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Search results for tau,655 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,655
Translated headword: who (is going) to a rest?
Vetting Status: high
Translation: These are queries and notices from Charon [
Myth] associated with his ferrying: "Who [is going] to a rest from evils" -- toils -- "and troubles?" "Who [is going] to the Plain of Lethe?" He has formed a spot in Hades thus described; also as the stone of Auainos. "Who [is going] to a donkey's shearings?" Thus they describe what is useless, since the shearings of the donkey are not useful. And the proverb is also uttered in the case of what is endless, just as we say "You are decorating a pot."[1] Things in Hades go on endlessly. Hence [the expression] "donkey's shearings" has been turned into a poetic metaphor.
Greek Original:*ti/s ei)s a)napau/las: au(=tai porqmeutikai\ para\ *xa/rontos peu/seis kai\ khru/gmata: ti/s ei)s a)napau/las e)k kakw=n [po/nwn] kai\ pragma/twn; ti/s ei)s to\ *lh/qhs pedi/on; *lh/qhs pedi/on xwri/on diatetu/pwken e)n a(/|dou ou(/tw lego/menon: w(s kai\ to\n *au)ai/nou li/qon. ti/s ei)s o)/nou po/kas; ou(/tw le/gousi to\ a)/xrhston: ou)de\ ga\r ai( tou= o)/nou po/kai xrhsimeu/ousi. le/getai de\ h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a)nhnu/twn: e)n w(=| tro/pw| fame\n xu/tran poiki/lleis: a)nh/nuta de\ kai\ ta\ e)n a(/|dou. dia\ tou=to ou)=n o)/nou po/kas a)nepla/sato poihtikw=s.
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Keywords: comedy; daily life; imagery; mythology; poetry; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 28 November 2001@10:06:57.
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