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Adler number: tau,636
Translated headword: taking vengeance for
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] assisting, vindicating.[1]
Aelian [writes]: "it seems to me that, when Dionysus is taking vengeance for a virgin who is unfortunate and is suffering [misfortunes] worthy of a tragedy [...]".[2] "When good people die, God sets his providence and concern, and takes vengeance for those who have been killed unjustly. Indeed
Chrysippus says that someone went down to Megara carrying a belt full of gold. Then, the innkeeper who had welcomed him when he arrived late, after casting longing glances at the gold, killed [the visitor]. And then the innkeeper was about to take him out on the wagon carrying the ordure, having hidden the murdered man in it. Then the soul of the dead appeared to a Megarian man and told him not only what had happened to him, but also who was responsible for it and how he was carried out and through which gates. The Megarian man, however, did not hear the [dead man’s] words with equanimity, but rose early in the morning and, on his guard, took hold of the yoke [of oxen] and tracked the corpse. And then the assassinated had his burial, and the murderer his punishment."[3]
Greek Original:*timwrou=ntos: bohqou=ntos, e)kdikou=ntos. *ai)liano/s: e)moi\ dokei=n tou= *dionu/sou timwrou=ntos parqe/nw| dustuxei= kai\ paqou/sh| tragw|di/as a)/cia. a)poqano/ntwn tw=n a)gaqw=n a)nqrw/pwn o( qeo\s ti/qetai pro/noian kai\ w)/ran kai\ timwrei= toi=s a)di/kws a)nh|rhme/nois. le/gei gou=n *xru/sippos e)n *mega/rois kataxqh=nai/ tina, xrusi/ou zw/nhn peplhrwme/nhn e)pago/menon. a)pe/kteine de\ a)/ra au)to\n pandokeu\s o( u(podeca/menos o)yisqe/nta, e)pofqalmi/sas tw=| xrusi/w|: ei)=ta e)/mellen e)kkomi/zein e)f' a(ma/chs a)gou/shs ko/pron, u(pokru/yas e)n tau/th| to\n pefoneume/non. h( toi/nun yuxh\ tou= teqnew=tos e)fi/statai *megarei= tini kai\ le/gei o(/sa te e)/paqe kai\ u(f' o(/tou kai\ o(/pws e)kkomi/zesqai me/lloi kai\ kata\ poi/as pu/las. o( de\ ou)k h)/kouse r(a|qu/mws ta\ lexqe/nta, knefai=os de\ dianasta\s kai\ parafula/cas tou= zeu/gous e)pela/beto kai\ a)ni/xneuse to\n nekro/n. kai\ o( me\n e)ta/fh, o( de\ e)kola/sqh.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; mythology; philosophy; religion; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 24 May 2003@14:42:14.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (modifed translation, added notes and keywords) on 24 May 2003@18:49:03.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 24 May 2003@18:55:19.
Catharine Roth (modified translation; added more cross-references) on 24 May 2003@19:03:04.
David Whitehead (slight expansion of notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 25 May 2003@05:21:39.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 25 May 2003@06:13:14.
Catharine Roth (updated references, added keyword) on 4 April 2012@01:51:26.
David Whitehead on 13 January 2014@07:59:17.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 28 August 2022@00:30:12.
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