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Search results for tau,622 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,622
Translated headword: Timotheos, Timotheus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name.
"And the tower of Timotheos--may it fall on you." [So says]
Aristophanes in
Plutus.[1] This Timotheos, a rich man, a general of the Athenians,[2] built a wall. He was raised to so great a level of fortune [
tyche] that the spirit [of fortune] appeared [to him] in this vision.[3] The painters portrayed him in pictures asleep, with tychai bringing him cities in nets, and him plundering them - [by this the painters were] hinting at his good luck. But Timotheos bragged at his good fortune, saying that his successes belonged to him rather than to tyche. For this reason he was unfortunate later on, tyche showing its displeasure with him. Many Timotheoses are ridiculed in comedy; but here he means the general.[4]
Greek Original:*timo/qeos: o)/noma ku/rion. o( *timoqe/ou de\ pu/rgos e)mpe/soi ge/ soi. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|. ou(=tos o( *timo/qeos plou/sios w)/n, strathgo\s *)aqhnai/wn, tei=xos w)|kodo/mhsen. o(\s e)s tosou=ton h)/rqh tu/xhs, w(s to\n dai/mona fai/nesqai o)/yei tou/tw|. e)poi/oun te au)to\n e)n ei)ko/sin oi( zwgra/foi koimw/menon, kai\ ta\s tu/xas ferou/sas au)tw=| ei)s di/ktua po/leis, kai\ porqou=nta au)ta/s, ai)nitto/menoi th\n eu)daimoni/an au)tou=. a)lazoneuo/menos de\ e)pi\ eu)tuxi/a| o( *timo/qeos e)/fh, au)tou= ei)=nai ma=llon h)\ th=s tu/xhs ta\ katorqw/mata. dio\ kai\ h)tu/xhsen u(/steron, nemeshsa/shs au)tw=| th=s tu/xhs. polloi\ de\ *timo/qeoi kwmw|dou=ntai: nu=n de\ to\n strathgo\n le/gei.
Plutus [
Wealth] 180. What follows here draws on the
scholia to this line.
[2] For Timotheos' career see generally Robert Develin,
Athenian Officials 684-321 BC (Cambridge 1989) Index I, no.3112; also OCD(4) s.v. Timotheos(2), by C.J. Tuplin.
[3] In some of the Aristophanic
scholia it is a female spirit.
[4] For discussion of the present passage see J.K. Davies,
Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 509: he suggests that it refers to part of the Athenian Long Walls, demolished in 404, having been rebuilt (in or after 394/3) at the personal expense of Timotheos' father Konon, with the (then young) T acting as agent.
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; history; imagery; military affairs; politics; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 12 August 1999@20:07:06.
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