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Adler number: tau,621
Translated headword: Timotheus, Timotheos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Gaza. Grammarian. He lived under the emperor Anastasius,[1] for whom he wrote a tragedy on the public levy known as the khrusarguros.[2] He also wrote in epic verse On the four-footed animals in India, Arabia and Egypt, and the creatures of Libya; also On unusual foreign birds and snakes (4 books).
Greek Original:*timo/qeos, *gazai=os, grammatiko/s, gegonw\s e)pi\ *)anastasi/ou basile/ws: ei)s o(\n kai\ tragw|di/an e)poi/hse peri\ tou= dhmosi/ou tou= kaloume/nou xrusargu/rou. e)/graye de\ kai\ e)pikw=s *peri\ zw/|wn tetrapo/dwn qhri/wn tw=n par' *)indoi=s kai\ *)/arayi kai\ *ai)gupti/ois, kai\ o(/sa tre/fei *libu/h: kai\ *peri\ o)rne/wn ce/nwn te kai\ a)lloko/twn kai\ o)/fewn bibli/a d#.
RE Timotheos(16); PLRE II
Timotheus(3); FGrH 652.
alpha 2077.
[2] The
collatio lustralis, 'a tax levied every five years on petty shop-keepers, usurers and brothel-keepers' (Lewis & Short s.v.). (T's 'tragedy' was probably a poem or speech.)
Keywords: biography; chronology; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@12:36:20.
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