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Search results for tau,615 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,615
Translated headword: assessor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Appius Claudius was assessor, [which is] called censor among Romans; it is a kind of examiner of the civic institutions, giving attention to the moderate and old-fashioned life-style of each of the citizens. Among Romans it is considered the greatest and most honorable office, allotted to those who have passed through the whole course of political honor and have lived a blameless life.
Greek Original:*timhth/s: *)/appios *klau/dios h)=n timhth/s, kh/nswr de\ para\ *(rwmai/ois o)nomazo/menos: e)/stin e)cetasth/s tis tw=n politikw=n diaithma/twn, pro\s to\ sw=fron kai\ a)rxaio/tropon e(ka/stou tw=n politw=n e)pistre/fwn bi/on. a)rxh\ megi/sth kai\ pasw=n e)ntimota/th para\ *(rwmai/ois ke/kritai, toi=s dia\ pa/shs gegono/sin e)ndo/cou politei/as a)mwmh/tw| te bi/w| xrhsame/nois klhroume/nh.
Quotation (already in part at
kappa 1524) not identified by Adler but now accepted as John of
Antioch fr. 101 Roberto.
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 July 2013@01:15:12.
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