*timh/sews: eu)qu/nhs, zhmi/as. h( *(rw/mh e(auth\n e)pide/dwken ei)s poluanqrwpi/an, w(s e)k th=s e)/ggista timh/sews e)fa/nh, e)n h(=| *(rwmai/wn tw=n e)n h(/bh| de/ka te/ssares muria/des h)riqmh/qhsan triw=n a)pode/ousai xilia/dwn.
[1] Likewise in other lexica. The headword is genitive singular of this feminine noun. It must be quoted from somewhere; extant possibilities begin with
Demosthenes and
Plato. For the equivalences cf.
tau 629,
tau 634.
[2] Quotation -- concerning one of the censuses held in Republican Rome -- unidentifiable. Adler notes Bernhardy's realisation that the phrase 'as emerged from the most recent census' is quite like one in
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 9.25.2. On the other hand, the figure itself does not correspond to any of the figures D.H. gives, for the censuses of 508, 498, 493 and 474 BC; see the table in P.A. Brunt,
Italian Manpower (Oxford 1971) 13. Very close to the Suda passage's 137,000, rather, is the 137,108 recorded in 209/8 according to Livy 27.36.7 (no matter that that is regarded as being factually far too low). In the present passage
de/ka te/ssares is the reading of ms F, championed by Bernhardy; elsewhere
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