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Adler number: tau,602
Translated headword: Timaios, Timaeus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Timaios,] son of Andromachos; from
Tauromenion;[1] [the man] whom Athenians name Epitimaios; a pupil of
Philiscus the Milesian. He was named this because he found fault [
e)pitima=n] with many things, but also [sc. he was known] as Gossipy Woman because he wrote up whatever came his way. He wrote a
History of Italy and Sicily in 8 volumes, a
Greek and Sicilian History, a
Collection of Rhetorical Resources in 68 volumes,[2] [and]
Olympic Victors or (?)
Small Chronological Outcomes(?).[3]
'Gossipy woman' [is] something like milk-gusher, whom properly he called word-collecting woman; for he never tired of pouring forth waffle.[4]
[Note] that[5] this Timaios, having very sharply censured the faults of the historians before him, in the other parts of his writing showed very great respect for the truth, but in the [accounts of] the doings of
Agathocles[6] he mainly lied about the dynast, because of his hatred towards him. For having been sent into exile from
Sicily by
Agathocles, he did not have the power to retaliate against the dynast while the latter was alive, but when he had died [Timaios] defamed him, through his history, for all time. For in general, to the already-existing bad qualities that this king had, [Timaios] added many others of his own devising. He took away his successes, and the failures -- not only the ones actually brought about by him but also the fortuitous ones -- he transferred to the man in no way to blame for them. By common consent [
Agathocles] was both shrewd as a military strategist and decisive and bold when it came to the dangers of battle, but [Timaios] ignored no opportunity, throughout the entirety of the history, to call him spineless and cowardly. And yet who does not know that, of all men who have ever become dynasts, nobody acquired a greater kingdom with fewer resources? For having been reared from childhood as an artisan, because of restricted means and undistinguished parentage, he later, through his own excellence, not only became lord of [almost] the whole of
Sicily[7] but also reduced by force of arms much of Italy and of Libya. Anyone would marvel at the historian's irresponsibility: for throughout the entirety of the history he praises the courage of the Syracusans, but says that the man who mastered them surpassed in cowardice the whole of mankind. Thanks to the proofs that these contradictions furnish, [Timaios] is plainly someone who, for the sake of personal hatred and contentiousness, has betrayed his historian's standard: truth-loving candour. Hence the final 5 books of this writer's account, the ones in which he has covered the doings of
Agathocles, nobody could fairly accept.
Greek Original:*ti/maios, *)androma/xou, *tauromenei/ths: o(\n *)aqhnai=oi *)epiti/maion w)no/masan: *fili/skou maqhth\s tou= *milhsi/ou. parwno/masto de\ tou=to dia\ to\ polla\ e)pitima=n, kai\ *graosulle/ktria de\ dia\ to\ ta\ tuxo/nta a)nagra/fein. e)/grayen *)italika\ kai\ *sikelika\ e)n bibli/ois h#, *(ellhnika\ kai\ *sikelika/, *sullogh\n r(htorikw=n a)formw=n bibli/a ch#, *)olumpioni/kas h)/toi *xronika\ praci/dia. graosulle/ktria oi(=os: o( galakrhnw=n, o(\n oi)kei/ws ei)=pen logosulle/ktrian: ou) pau/etai ga\r a)/dhn krounoxutrolhrofluarw=n. o(/ti ou(=tos o( *ti/maios ta\s a(marti/as tw=n pro\ e(autou= suggrafe/wn pikro/tata e)cele/gcas kata\ me\n a)/lla me/rh th=s grafh=s plei/sthn pro/noian ei)=xe th=s a)lhqei/as, e)n de\ tai=s *)agaqokle/ous pra/cesi ta\ polla\ kate/yeustai tou= duna/stou dia\ th\n pro\s au)to\n e)/xqran. fugadeuqei\s ga\r u(p' *)agaqokle/ous e)k th=s *sikeli/as, zw=nta me\n a)mu/nasqai to\n duna/sthn ou)k i)/sxuse, teleuth/santa de\ dia\ th=s i(stori/as e)blasfh/mhsen ei)s to\n ai)w=na. kaqo/lou ga\r tai=s prou+parxou/sais tw=| basilei= tou/tw| kaki/ais a)/lla polla\ par' e(autou= prosqei\s o( suggrafeu/s, ta\s me\n eu)hmeri/as a)fairou/menos au)tou=, ta\s de\ a)poteu/ceis, ou) ta\s di' au)to\n genome/nas mo/non, a)lla\ kai\ ta\s dia\ tu/xhn, metafe/rwn ei)s to\n mhde\n e)camarta/nonta. genome/nou de\ o(mologoume/nws au)tou= strathgikou= me\n kata\ th\n e)pi/noian, drastikou= de\ kai\ teqarrhko/tos kata\ th\n e)n toi=s kindu/nois eu)tolmi/an, ou) dialei/pei par' o(/lhn th\n i(stori/an a)pokalw=n au)to\n a)/nandron kai\ deilo/n. kai/toi ge ti/s ou)k oi)=den, o(/ti tw=n pw/pote dunasteusa/ntwn ou)dei\s e)la/ttosin a)formai=s xrhsa/menos mei/zw basilei/an periepoih/sato; xeirote/xnhs ga\r e)k pai/dwn geno/menos di' a)pori/an bi/ou kai\ pate/rwn a)doci/an e)c u(ste/rou dia\ th\n i)di/an a)reth\n ou) mo/non *sikeli/as o(/lhs e)kuri/eusen, a)lla\ pollh\n th=s *)itali/as te kai\ *libu/hs toi=s o(/plois katestre/yato. qauma/sai d' a)/n tis tou= suggrafe/ws th\n eu)xeiri/an. par' o(/lhn ga\r th\n grafh\n e)gkwmia/zwn th\n tw=n *surakousi/wn a)ndrei/an, to\n tou/twn krath/santa deili/a| fhsi\ dienhnoxe/nai tou\s a(/pantas a)nqrw/pous. dia\ ga\r tw=n e)n tai=s e)nantiw/sesin e)le/gxwn fanero/s e)sti to\ filalhqe\s th=s i(storikh=s parrhsi/as prodedwkw\s i)di/as e(/neka e)/xqras kai\ filoneiki/as. dio/per ta\s e)sxa/tas th=s sunta/cews e# bi/blous tou= suggrafe/ws tou/tou, kaq' a(\s periei/lhfe ta\s *)agaqokle/ous pra/ceis, ou)k a)/n tis dikai/ws a)pode/caito.
See already
tau 600.
[1] Present-day Taormina, in
[2] This figure (i) should probably be 38 and (ii) be taken as referring to T's
Sicilian History.
[3] T's
Olympic Victors synchronised them with Spartan kings and ephors, Athenian archons, and the priestesses of Hera in Argos [
Place]. (For the prototype of this see
Thucydides 2.1, his pivotal absolute date for the beginning of the Peloponnesian War.) The Suda's phrase
*xronika\ praci/dia is opaque.
[4] The last of these terms is very similar to one,
krounoxutrolh/raion, that occurs in
Knights 89.
[5] What now follows comes from
Diodorus Siculus 21.17.1-3 (via
Excerpta Constantiniana EV I 254.19-255.17).
alpha 117.
[7] The Suda omits 'almost'.
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 April 2010@06:31:14.
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