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Adler number: tau,595
Translated headword: Timarchos, Timarchus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Arizelos; a profligate and a catamite. He first spent his time in
Peiraieus with Euthydikos, but later hired himself out to Misgolas and to Hegesandros, the beloved of Leodamas,[1] and together with them associated with Pittalakos, the public slave. He was chosen as a guardian, but Aristogeiton objected and he was prevented [sc. from acting in that capacity]. He repudiated his uncle, a blind man who was eligible for support as disabled, and he did not even protect his mother when she was in need of basics.[2] In his old age he was convicted by
Aeschines of prostitution.
Greek Original:*ti/marxos, *)arizh/lou, a)/swtos kai\ po/rnos, e)n *peiraiei= par' *eu)qudi/kw| diatri/yas ta\ prw=ta, u(/steron de\ *misgo/la| kai\ *(hghsa/ndrw| tw=| *leoda/mantos e)rwme/nw| misqw/sas au(to\n kai\ met' au)tou\s *pittala/kw| sunw/n, th=s po/lews oi)ke/th|: e)pi/tropos de\ ai(reqei/s, *)aristogei/tonos a)nteipo/ntos e)kwlu/qh. tw=| qei/w| de\ o)/nti tuflw=| kai\ a)ciou=nti meta\ tw=n a)duna/twn tre/fesqai, ou) sunei=pen, ou)de\ th=| mhtri\ xrhzou/sh| tw=n a)nagkai/wn e)pekou/rhsen. h(/lw de\ u(po\ *ai)sxi/nou pornei/as, ge/rwn w)/n.
C4 BCE. Between the introductory and concluding sentences, some of this material derives (ultimately) from
Aeschines 1.40ff (web address 1), but see n.2 below.
[1] cf.
mu 1111, where this statement is misleadingly compressed.
[2] For the uncle, Arignotos, see
Aeschines 1.102-4 (web address 2) -- but there is nothing there (or anywhere else in the speech) about Aristogeiton, for whose speech
Against Timarchos see
alpha 3912. Fisher (below) 22-3 notes that the attested activity of Aristogeiton does not begin until 338 (i.e. several decades after Timarchos came of age), and he tentatively suggests that this guardianship case was a later one, unconnected with Arignotos.
Aeschines, Against Timarchos, translated with introduction and commentary by Nick Fisher (Oxford 2001)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; daily life; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; history; law; medicine; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 June 2001@07:01:07.
Vetted by:William Hutton (cosmetics, modified translation, added links and keyword, set status) on 20 October 2003@14:55:58.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 21 October 2003@03:32:12.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 14 August 2011@07:11:21.
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