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Adler number: tau,593
Translated headword: Timanthes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Kleonai,[1] a victor in the pankration;[2] they say that when age obliged to him to stop competing he drew a great bow every day, to put himself to the test. But after a period away from home he was unable, on returning, to draw it; he then lit a fire and threw himself, alive, into the flames. Whenever men have done this sort of thing, or do it in future, it should not be classified as courage but insanity.
Greek Original:*tima/nqhs, *klewnai=os, pagkra/tion nikh/sas: o(/n fasi pausa/menon dia\ h(liki/an tw=n a)/qlwn to/con me/ga e)pi\ e(ka/sths tei/nein th=s h(me/ras, a)popeirw/menon e(autou=. w(s de\ a)podhmh/sas kai\ e)panh/kwn ou)x oi(=o/s te h)=n e)ntei=nai, to/te pu=r a)nakau/sas a)fh=ke zw=nta e(auto\n e)s th\n pura/n. o(po/sa de\ toiau=ta ge/gonen a)nqrw/pois h)\ kai\ u(/steron ge/nhtai, mani/a ma=llon kai\ ou)k a)ndrei/a logi/zoito.
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Keywords: athletics; biography; ethics; geography; medicine
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 June 2001@04:35:16.
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