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Headword: *timage/nhs
Adler number: tau,588
Translated headword: Timagenes
Vetting Status: high
Son of a royal banker; of Alexandria. Rhetor. Some say he was Egyptian. Under Pompey the Great he was taken as a prisoner to Rome by Gabinius, and bought by Faustus, the son of Sulla. He was a sophist in Rome in the time of Pompey himself, and after him of Caesar Augustus and subsequently, at the same time as Caecilius.[1] Expelled from his school for being too freely spoken, he spent his time in countryside known as Tusculum.[2] He died in Albanum, trying to vomit after dinner and choking.[3] He wrote many books.
Greek Original:
*timage/nhs, basilikou= a)rguramoibou= ui(o/s, *)alecandreu/s, r(h/twr: w(s de/ tines *ai)gu/ptios: o(\s e)pi\ *pomphi/+ou tou= mega/lou ai)xma/lwtos a)xqei\s e)n *(rw/mh| u(po\ tou= *gabini/ou e)cwnh/qh u(po\ *fau/stou, tou= ui(ou= *su/llou, kai\ e)sofi/steusen e)n *(rw/mh| e)pi/ te tou= au)tou= *pomphi/+ou kai\ met' au)to\n e)pi/ te *kai/saros tou= *au)gou/stou kai\ mete/peita a(/ma *kekili/w|. e)kpesw\n de\ th=s sxolh=s dia\ to\ parrhsiasth\s ei)=nai e)n a)grw=| dih=ge *touskla/nw| legome/nw|. e)teleu/thse de\ e)n *)alba/nw|, e)me/sai boulhqei\s meta\ dei=pnon kai\ sfhnwqei/s. bibli/a de\ e)/graye polla/.
C1 BC. See generally RE Timagenes(2); OCD4 Timagenes; FGrH 88.
[1] [kappa 1165] Caecilius.
[2] Again at tau 836.
[3] cf. sigma 1740.
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; food; geography; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@12:41:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 11 September 2002@05:58:29.
David Whitehead (added x-refs) on 15 September 2003@08:46:40.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 13 January 2014@06:19:52.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@11:22:36.


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