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Search results for tau,585 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,585
Translated headword: what are you saying?
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The [sc. phrase comes] from common usage and current practice. For in conversations with opponents we are accustomed to say 'what are you saying?' -- wishing to perturb them.
Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "how pleased I am at the first sight of your complexion. Now you are initially negative and disputatious to behold; and this local feature is plainly in bloom, the 'what are you saying?', and doing wrong and misbehaving when I know you are seeming to be the victim of wrongdoing; and in your countenance there is an Attic look." The 'look' has been given a form; for they used to criticise the Athenians for shamelessness and being [sc. too] assertive.
Greek Original:*ti/ le/geis su/: to\ para\ th\n sunh/qeian ka)na\ xei=ra. ei)w/qamen ga\r e)n tai=s tw=n di' e)nanti/as diale/cesi le/gein, ti/ le/geis su/; e)kplh=cai au)tou\s boulo/menoi. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: w(s h(/domai prw=ta th\n xroi/an i)dw/n. nu=n me/n g' i)dei=n ei)= prw=ton e)carnhtiko\s ka)ntilogiko/s: kai\ tou=to tou)pixw/rion a)texnw=s e)panqei= to/, ti/ le/geis su/; kai\ dokei=n a)dikou=nt' a)dikei=sqai kai\ kakourgou=nt' oi)=d' o(/ti: e)pi\ tou= prosw/pou t' e)/sti *)attiko\n ble/pos. e)sxhma/tistai de\ to\ ble/pos: a)nti\ tou= kakou=rgon ble/mma: tou\s ga\r *)aqhnai/ous e)pi\ a)naidei/a| kai\ tw=| drastikou\s ei)=nai die/ballon.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; imagery
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 February 2014@06:09:47.
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