*ti/qrasos: to/pos th=s *libu/hs. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: *gorgo/nes *tiqra/siai. e)/nqa ai( *gorgo/nes die/tribon. a)po\ dh/mou th=s *)attikh=s ponhrou=: diaba/llousi ga\r to\n dh=mon tou=ton w(s kakopra/gmona.
[1] On ancient Libya see generally OCD(4) s.v. Tithrasos was a place or river there, according to
gamma 391 (which even more than the present entry goes firmly -- but wrongly, thanks to misunderstanding the passage from
Aristophanes about to be cited -- for a Libya/Gorgons connection).
Frogs 477 (web address 1); cf.
tau 1124. "It is a fair inference from this passage that the women of that deme [see note 4 below] were popularly believed to be fierce and ugly" (K.J. Dover,
Aristophanes Frogs, edited with an introduction and commentary) (Oxford 1993) 254).
[3] On Gorgons see generally
gamma 390; OCD(4) s.v.
[4] (Present-day Pikermi.) J.S. Traill,
The Political Organization of Attica (Princeton 1975) 41; D. Whitehead,
The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) index s.v.
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