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Headword: *ti/ e)sti to\
Adler number: tau,566
Translated headword: what is the [phrase]
Vetting Status: high
What the phrase in the Philippics of Demosthenes is, "that once talk-of-the-town secret", Theopompus in [book] 31 [sc. of his Philippic Histories] has clarified; for he says: "and he sends to Philip ambassadors, Antiphon and Charidemus, to negotiate an alliance. When they arrived they tried to persuade him to act in a secret alliance with the Athenians, so that they should take Amphipolis, promising him Pydna. But the ambassadors said nothing to the Athenian people, wishing to keep it a secret from the people of Pydna, as they intended to betray them, but acted in secret with the council (boule)."
Greek Original:
*ti/ e)sti to\ e)n toi=s *dhmosqe/nous *filippikoi=s, kai\ to\ qrulou/meno/n pote a)po/rrhton e)kei=no, *qeo/pompos e)n la# dedh/lwke: fhsi\ ga/r: kai\ pe/mpei pro\s *fi/lippon presbeuta/s, *)antifw=nta kai\ *xari/dhmon, pra/contas kai\ peri\ fili/as: oi(\ parageno/menoi sumpei/qein au)to\n e)pexei/roun e)n a)porrh/tw| sumpra/ttein *)aqhnai/ois, o(/pws a)\n la/bwsin *)amfi/polin, u(pisxnou/menoi *pu/dnan. oi( de\ pre/sbeis oi( tw=n *)aqhnai/wn ei)s me\n to\n dh=mon ou)de\n a)ph/ggelon, boulo/menoi lanqa/nein tou\s *pudnai/ous, e)kdido/nai me/llontes au)tou/s: e)n a)porrh/tw| de\ meta\ th=s boulh=s e)/pratton.
Taken over almost verbatim from Harpokration s.v. (tau17 Keaney). See also Photius, Lexicon tau282 Theodoridis.
The Demosthenes passage is 2.6, and the Theopompus extract FGrH 115 F30. [The transmitted book number, '31', is inappropriate; suggested alteranatives are 1 and (Jacoby) 3.] Both refer to alleged events of 357 BCE; see in brief N.G.L. Hammond and G.T. Griffith, A History of Macedonia, ii (Oxford 1979) 241-2.
The phrase "so this is what it means", ti/ ou)=n e)sti tou=to, here abbreviated to ti/ e)sti, occurs four times in simple contexts in Demosthenes (6.24, 8.7, 9.22, 37.24); he also uses it twice (4.2, 9.5) after the paradox "for what was worst of all in the past remains as the best for the future," and continues to explain, in an enthymeme, that, as they failed to act in the past, they have some hope that, by now acting, they may succeed. The scholiast on Demosthenes cites the phrase and explains the enthymeme. This entry has been omitted from our text of the Suda.
G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, 'The alleged secret pact between between Athens and Philip II concerning Amphipolis and Pydna', Classical Quarterly n.s.13 (1963) 110-119
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 23 May 2000@13:03:59.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword, translation, notes; added bibliography and keyword) on 11 September 2002@06:35:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 July 2011@04:39:08.
David Whitehead (expansions to notes) on 26 March 2014@07:06:48.
David Whitehead (coding) on 28 May 2016@06:19:17.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 17 August 2022@21:34:03.


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