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Headword: *tibe/rios
Adler number: tau,553
Translated headword: Tiberius, Tiberius II Constantine
Vetting Status: high
Emperor of the Romans at Constantinople, whom Justin[1] appointed when he [sc. Tiberius] was a humble as well as generous man, superior to personal profit and with no regard for money -- for he considered this alone as good fortune that his subjects were prosperous and flourishing in great wealth, and he held that the common happiness of his people was a glorious and an unnassailable treasure. Since he hated the pretension of tyranny and turned rather to compassion for his people, he preferred that his subjects rule him rather than that those whom he ruled be too tyrannically enslaved -- for he wanted to be called "father" instead of "despot" by his subjects.
At first, when he was young, he was very good, but, when he grew old, he suddenly turned his sentiments for the worse so that he was even thought to be mad and driven by a supernatural being[2] to every sort of unholy behavior and even to madness and insanity, not only in natural matters but also in unnatural and in every sort of unjustice and tyranny. And, when he had thus later fallen into bad behavior, he ended his life.
Greek Original:
*tibe/rios, e)n *kwstantinoupo/lei basileu\s *(rwmai/wn: o(\n suni/sthsin *)iousti=nos a)/ndra pra=on o(mou= kai\ fila/nqrwpon, krei/ttona lhmma/twn kai\ xrhma/twn a)fro/ntida, tou=to mo/non eu)daimoni/an h(gou/menon, to\ teqhle/nai te kai\ e)s me/ga plou/tou koma=n to\ u(ph/koon, th\n koinh\n tw=n a)nqrw/pwn makario/thta pa/gkalon kai\ a)su/lwton qhsauro\n logizo/menon: o(\s to\n o)/gkon th=s turanni/dos mish/sas kai\ pro\s to\ filo/storgon tw=n o(mofu/lwn a)nadramw\n ei(/leto basileu/ein au)tw=| to\ u(ph/koon h)\ tou\s i)qunome/nous turannikw/teron a)ndrapodi/zesqai, path\r e)qe/lwn h)\ despo/ths u(po\ tw=n u(phko/wn a)nagoreu/esqai. a)/ristos de\ u(pa/rxwn e)n neo/thti kai\ pro\s gh=ras e)lqw\n ai)fni/dion ei)s th\n xei/rona meteblh/qh gnw/mhn, w(/ste kai\ parafronei=n au)to\n nomisqh=nai kai\ u(po\ dai/monos e)lau/nesqai pro\s pa=san a)nosiourgi/an te kai\ mani/an kai\ oi)strhlasi/an, ou) mo/non e)n toi=s kata\ fu/sin, a)lla\ kai\ e)n toi=s para\ fu/sin, kai\ e)n pa/sh| a)diki/a| kai\ turanni/di. ou(/tw de\ metapesw\n ei)s kaki/an katastre/fei to\n bi/on.
Tiberius II Constantine (578-582 AD). See R. Scott Moore's DIR entry (web address 1). The two paragraphs of the present entry come from (respectively) Theophylact Simocatta, Histories 3.16.4-5 and [John of Antioch] fr.79a FHG (4.570), not accepted as Johnian by Roberto.
[1] Justinus II (565-578 AD). See James Allan Evans' DIR entry (web address 2).
[2] *dai/mwn may be a taken as specifically a "demon" in the Christian tradition, or as a "daimon" or "spirit being" in the Neo-Platonic tradition, or as a more vague "divine being" in the literary tradition which stretches back to Homer.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; politics; religion
Translated by: Abram Ring on 19 May 2004@11:10:32.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented primary note; cosmetics) on 20 May 2004@04:32:58.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 28 November 2005@08:40:57.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 13 January 2014@04:58:55.
Catharine Roth (expanded notes) on 28 November 2014@14:38:14.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 January 2015@04:57:37.
Ronald Allen (tweaked betacode n.2) on 4 November 2024@10:55:07.


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