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Headword: *tia/ra
Adler number: tau,547
Translated headword: tiara
Vetting Status: high
A head decoration, which only the kings used to wear upright among [the] Persians, while the generals wore it at an angle. Even Demaratos the Lacedaemonian, who came to Athens with Xerxes, when on a fine day the king granted him whatever he wished to ask, asked to drive into Sardis in an upright tiara, as Phylarchos [says] in [book] 10.[1] And they say that a kitaris is also the same thing. But Theophrastus in the work On the Kingship of Cyprians [mentions] the kitaris, as something different.[2]
Greek Original:
*tia/ra: ko/smos e)pikefa/laios, h(\n oi( basilei=s mo/noi o)rqh\n e)fo/roun para\ *pe/rsais, oi( de\ strathgoi\ keklime/nhn. kai\ *dhma/ratos o( *lakedaimo/nios, o(\s dh\ meta\ *ce/rcou h)=lqen e)pi\ ta\s *)aqh/nas, e)pi/ tinos eu)hmeri/as sugxwrh/santos au)tw=| tou= basile/ws o(\ qe/lei ai)th/sasqai, h)|th/sato e)n o)rqh=| th=| tia/ra| ei)s *sa/rdeis ei)sela/sai: w(s *fu/larxos e)n i#. to\ d' au)to/ fasin ei)=nai kai\ ki/tarin. *qeo/frastos d' e)n tw=| *peri\ basilei/as *kupri/wn th\n ki/tarin, w(s dia/foron.
Scholiasts and lexicographers, and even Theophrastus, debate whether the tiara, kurbasia (cf. kappa 2741, kappa 2742), and kitaris are identical. See the scholia to Plato, Republic 553C ( = Theophrastus 602 FHS&G), and to Aristophanes, Birds 487.
cf. tau 548.
[1] Phylarchus FGrH 81 F22. For Demaratos see delta 417.
[2] This title is not otherwise attested and the translation could be something like, "Theophrastos in the work On Kingship [says] the kitaris is Cyprian, on the grounds that it is something different."
Christopher Tuplin, "Treacherous Hearts and Upright Tiaras: The Achaemenid King's Head-Dress," Persian Responses: Political and Cultural Interaction with(in) the Achaemenid Empire, ed. C. Tuplin (Swansea 2007) 67-97
Keywords: biography; clothing; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: David Mirhady on 25 July 2008@18:20:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 28 July 2008@04:12:04.
David Whitehead (typo; other cosmetics; more x-refs) on 28 July 2008@10:27:34.
Catharine Roth (added bibliography) on 26 February 2009@23:42:56.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 13 January 2014@04:40:40.


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