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Headword: *th\n kata\ sauto\n e)/la
Adler number: tau,522
Translated headword: keep to your own sphere
Vetting Status: high
[This] was said from a certain oracle. That is: whatever you are, behave like it and do not strive for better things.
Some assert that this is a Delphic utterance,[1] whereas others [regard it as one of] Solon's;[2] but some [believe that] Chilon said it to someone seeking his advice, on whether to opt for a wealthy marriage.[3]
Greek Original:
*th\n kata\ sauto\n e)/la: a)po\ xrhsmou= tinos e)le/xqh. toute/stin oi(=os ei)=, toiou=tos kai\ fai/nou kai\ mei/zosi mh\ sumparektei/nou. tou=to oi( me\n *puqiko\n ei)=nai/ fasin a)po/fqegma, oi( de\ *so/lwnos: e)/nioi de\ au)to\ *xi/lwna ei)pei=n sumbouleuome/nw| tini/, ei) plou/sion e(/loito ga/mon.
Likewise in Photius (tau263 Theodoridis), taken to come from Pausnias the Atticist (tau27); also in several of the paroemiographers. For the headword phrase itself see Callimachus, Epigrams 1.12 & 16 (in Diogenes Laertius: below).
[1] cf. generally pi 3127, pi 3130.
[2] For Solon see sigma 776, sigma 777.
[3] For Chilon see chi 311. That the dictum belongs in a context of advice about marriage also appears in (e.g.) Diogenes Laertius 1.80 (= Greek Anthology 7.89), where Pittakos (pi 1659) is counselling 'a stranger from Atarneus'.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; poetry; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 October 2004@08:50:24.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added cross-references, set status) on 6 October 2004@11:34:26.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 7 October 2004@03:03:23.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 14 May 2008@07:37:20.
David Whitehead (another note) on 13 January 2014@04:23:08.
David Whitehead on 28 May 2016@06:05:24.


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