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Search results for tau,514 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,514
Translated headword: we will begin this same choral dance
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning let us embark upon the same enterprise. Marsos(?) said this to the emperor
Zeno.[1] "We will begin this same choral dance a second time."
Greek Original:*th\n au)th\n tau/thn a)naxoreu/somen o)/rxhsin: a)nti\ tou= e)pi\ th\n au)th\n pra=cin e)pane/lqwmen. tou=to ei)/rhke *ma/rsos pro\s *zh/nwna to\n basile/a. th\n au)th\n tau/thn kai\ deu/teron a)naxoreu/somen o)/rxhsin.
Otherwise unattested.
[1] For
Zeno see generally
zeta 83 and
zeta 84. The name 'Marsos' here has been treated with suspicion by editors; Adler reports the manuscript variations Malsos and Markos, and notes Bernhardy's suggested emendations Markianos and [
mu 120] Malchos.
Keywords: biography; historiography; history; imagery; meter and music; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 September 2010@09:16:20.
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