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Adler number: tau,496
Translated headword: tray
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] plank, the so-called kneading-trough, being a sort of
shli/a; just as
sh/meron [is a variant of]
th/meron. Furthermore there was a special sense of
thli/a, [i.e.] a construction of planks in the
agora, on which barley-groats were offered for sale. And the quail-breeders used to collect the quails on this. Alternatively: a broad plank, on which they make barley-groats; but some claim [it to be] a broad timber onto which bakers place their loaves for drying out. Others [say that]a telia [is] the lid of a chimney, that is [its] rim. So he is saying "you might draw [me] through a ring, if the ring were a telia'.
Aristophanes [writes this]. Or a telia is a plank without holes. If it had holes, it would be a mesh.
Greek Original:*thli/a: sani/s, h( legome/nh ka/rdopos, shli/a tis ou)=sa: w(/sper to\ sh/meron, th/meron. kai\ dh\ kai\ i)di/ws e)kalei=to thli/a, peri/fragma sani/dwn e)n th=| a)gora=|, e)n w(=| a)/lfita e)pipra/skonto. kai\ oi( o)rtugotro/foi tou\s o)/rtugas sune/ballon e)n tou/tw|. a)/llws: sani\s platei=a, e)f' h(=s a)lfitopoiou=si: tine\s de\ thli/an cu/lon fasi\ platu/, ei)s o(\ tiqe/asin oi( a)rtoko/poi tou\s a)/rtous e)pi\ tw=| chrai/nesqai. a)/lloi de\ thli/an, th=s kapnodo/xhs to\ pw=ma, o(/ e)sti perifere/s. fhsi\n ou)=n o(/ti dia\ daktuli/ou e(lkusqei/hs, e)a\n h)=| o( daktu/lios thli/a. tou=to de\ w(s paxei/as ou)/shs kai\ mh\ duname/nhs dia\ daktuli/ou e(lkusqh=nai, a)lla\ thli/as. *)aristofa/nhs. h)\ thli/a me/n e)stin h( a)tru/phtos sani/s. e)a\n de\ truphqei/h, a(yi\s gi/netai.
From the
scholia to
Plutus [
Wealth] 1037, where the headword occurs. See also the
scholia to
Wasps 147 (where the chimney trapdoor sense occurs), and several lexica; and
tau 497.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 February 2014@05:35:01.
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