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Search results for tau,488 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,488
Translated headword: Telekleides, Telecleides, Teleclides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Athenian; a writer of comedy. Among his plays there are
Amphictyons and
Presiding Magistrates and
Tough Guys; as
Athenaeus says in
Greek Original:*thleklei/dhs, *)aqhnai=os, kwmiko/s. tw=n drama/twn au)tou= e)stin *)amfiktu/ones kai\ *pruta/neis kai\ *sterroi/: w(s *)aqh/naios le/gei e)n toi=s *deipnosofistai=s.
Old Comedy; see OCD(4) 1436 s.v.
Teleclides, by K.J. Dover.
Deipnosophists 268B-D, 553E, 648E. (A further five titles are known.)
Kassel R. and C. Austin (eds.), Poetae comici Graeci (PCG), Berlin and N.Y.: W. de Gruyter, 1983- . The testimonia and fragments of Telekleides are in v. 7, pp. 667-692.
Keywords: biography; comedy; constitution; daily life; geography; poetry; religion
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 23 October 2001@04:08:30.
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