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Search results for tau,479 in Adler number:
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Headword: *thkta/
Adler number: tau,479
Translated headword: molten [substances]
Vetting Status: high
Like wax and pitch.[1] "[and] whatever [substances were] molten and poured onto the enemy were being thrown with fire from above on the right,[2] other [things] and especially iron ore; having made this transparent with an intense fire, they were intending to hold[3] the wall against those approaching from below".
Greek Original:
*thkta/: oi(=on khro\s kai\ pi/tta. thkta/ te o(/sa kai\ xuta\ e)s polemi/ous su\n puri\ e)c u(perdeci/wn e)ba/lleto: ta/ te a)/lla kai\ th\n sidhri=tin gh=n, h(\n puri\ pollw=| diafanh= e)rgasa/menoi, kata\ tw=n u(pio/ntwn to\ tei=xos e)/xein e)/mellon.
No parallels can be found for this entry or for the quotation it includes (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti). The headword is a verbal adjective from th/kw (tau 478) in the neuter nominative/accusative plural.
[1] cf. under epsilon 1418.
[2] For this idiom see epsilon 1867.
[3] It would make more sense for the last clause again to mention pouring molten materials on attackers: Adler notes that Küster emended e)/xein to e)kxei=n 'pour out', Toup either likewise or to xe/ein 'pour'.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 August 2013@01:57:58.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more x-refs; more keywords; cosmetics) on 16 August 2013@03:10:44.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 12 January 2014@07:15:38.
David Whitehead (coding) on 28 May 2016@05:46:17.


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