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Headword: *th/qh
Adler number: tau,472
Translated headword: grandmother
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] mammy. The mother of [someone's] father or mother.[1]
The vocative [is] th/qa.
But thqi\s [is] aunt.[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "o the manliest of grandmothers [thqw=n], and of fruitful nettles [mhtridi/wn a)kalh/fwn]. Give way to your anger, do not soften: for still now you run before the winds!"[3] They used to call grandmothers th/qas. [They] also [used to call] aunts thqi/das, the sisters of one's father or mother. [They] also [called] nurses th/qas. [*th/qea] are also sea oysters. Homer [writes]: "he would satisfy many men seeking oysters [th/qea]."[4] And some call the sea [oysters] sea nettles [a)kalh/fas]. Attic-speaking people call thistles nettles [a)kalh/fas]. Also, when a thistle is soft, when it holds wombs, that is to say when [it holds] balls of seeds, it is called a nettle [a)kalh/fh]. So [Aristophanes] called old women nettles [a)kalh/fas], since they are hard and well-lived. For, also, the little plant bites. So since he said 'grandmothers' [thqw=n], he spoke of fruitful things [mhtridi/wn]; that is, ones having the seeds of the nettle [a)kalh/fhs] plant; and these bite too; and old women [are] like that. And he called the ones having seeds fruitful ones [mhtridi/as].
Greek Original:
*th/qh: ma/mmh. h( patro\s h)\ mhtro\s mh/thr. h( klhtikh\ th/qa. *thqi\s de\ qei/a. *)aristofa/nhs: a)ll' w)= thqw=n a)ndreiota/th, kai\ mhtridi/wn a)kalh/fwn, xwrei=t' o)rgh=|, mh\ te/ggesq': e)/ti ga\r nu=n ou)/ria qei=te. th/qas e)ka/loun ta\s ma/mmas. kai\ thqi/das ta\s qei/as, ta\s patro\s a)delfa\s h)\ mhtro/s. th/qas de\ kai\ ta\s trofou/s. ei)si\ de\ kai\ o)/strea qala/ssia. *(/omhros: pollou\s a)\n kore/seien a)nh\r o(/de th/qea difw=n. a)kalh/fas de\ le/gousin oi( me\n kai\ ta\s qalassi/as: le/gousi de\ kai\ ta\s kni/das *)attikoi/. kai\ kni/dh me\n e)s o(/son a)\n a(palh/ e)sti, e)pa\n de\ sxh=| ta\s mhte/ras, toute/sti ta\s tou= spe/rmatos sfai/ras, a)kalh/fh le/getai. a)kalh/fas ou)=n ta\s grai/as e)ka/lesen, e)peidh\ sterrai\ h)=san kai\ gennai=ai. kai\ ga\r to\ futa/rion da/knei. e)pei\ ou)=n ei)=pe thqw=n, ei)=pe mhtridi/wn: toute/sti tw=n e)xousw=n to\ spe/rma th=s bota/nhs th=s a)kalh/fhs: da/knousi de\ au(=tai: toiau=tai de\ kai\ ai( grai=ai. mhtridi/as de\ e)ka/lese ta\s e)xou/sas to\ spe/rma.
[1] Similar glosses in other lexica and scholia (references at Photius tau237 Theodoridis); and cf. epsilon 2691.
[2] Also at tau 473, and cf. tau 577.
[3] Aristophanes, Lysistrata 549-50 (web address 1), with scholion; cf. omicron 947.
[4] Homer, Iliad 16.744 (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; imagery; poetry; women; zoology
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 28 September 2009@21:54:51.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaks, more notes, another keyword, status) on 29 September 2009@23:20:51.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 September 2009@03:30:33.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 16 June 2010@11:16:00.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 26 August 2010@03:00:46.
David Whitehead on 12 January 2014@07:05:00.


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