*teixio/eis: o( teteixisme/nos. *teixw=n kai\ po/lews diastolh\n e)poih/sato *qoukudi/dhs: kai\ e)/oike kuriwte/ran th=s po/lews th\n le/cin e)pi\ tw=n oi)kiw=n lamba/nein.
Ambrosian Lexicon 133 is comparable, according to Adler; and cf. also
Etymologicum Magnum 756.15-18. The headword is an epic epithet.
[2] From the
scholia to
Thucydides 1.89.3 (where the historian does not use the headword adjective but does describe in general terms the Athenians' rebuilding of their fortifications in 479 BCE, after the Persian occupation: 'for only small portions of the circuit-wall were still standing and the majority of the houses were in ruins').
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