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Search results for tau,439 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,439
Translated headword: to contrive
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to accomplish something knavishly.[1] "The business [is] clever and very much in your style; for the prize-cake of [= for] contrivance [is] ours." The
puramou=s [is] a kind of flat-cake; this used to be set as a prize for those keeping an all-nighter, and he who was awake until dawn used to receive it as victor. So figuratively [
Aristophanes] used it as of his [
Euripides'] surpassing everyone in rascality.
Greek Original:*texna/zein: to\ panou/rgws ti diapra/ttesqai. to\ pra=gma komyo\n kai\ sfo/dr' e)k tou= sou= tro/pou: tou= ga\r texna/zein h(me/teros o( puramou=s. ei)=dos plakou=ntos o( puramou=s: ou(=tos de\ e)ti/qeto toi=s diapannuxi/zousin e)/paqlon, kai\ o( e)grhgorw\s e(/ws prwi/+as w(s nikw=n au)to\n e)la/mbane. metaforikw=s ou)=n au)tw=| e)xrh/sato w(s nikw=ntos au)tou= panourgi/a| pa/ntas.
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Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; food; imagery
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 January 2014@01:06:10.
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