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Search results for tau,437 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,437
Translated headword: ash
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of cicada. "For [there is] a tephra[1] and a membrax[2] and another dakettas[3] and a different one kerkops[4]. And they call a certain one akhetas[5] and a different one akanthias[6]: I have received these by hearing, having heard [them]. Whoever has acquired more knowledge than what has been said, let that man tell [what he knows]."
Akhetas and akanthias [are] not types of cicadas, but epithets of a cicada. From its chirping in thistles.[7]
Greek Original:*te/fra: ei)=dos te/ttigos. kai\ ga\r te/fra kai\ me/mbrac kai\ a)/llos dake/ttas kai\ ke/rkwy e(/teros. kai\ a)xe/tan tina\ le/gousi kai\ a)kanqi/an e(/teron: a)koh=| paredeca/mhn tau=ta a)kou/sas. o(/tw| de\ kai\ plei/w tw=n proeirhme/nwn ei)s gnw=sin a)fi/keto, lege/tw e)kei=nos. a)xe/tas kai\ a)kanqi/as ou)k ei)/dh tetti/gwn. a)ll' e)pi/qeta te/ttigos. a)po\ tou= h)xei=n e)n a)ka/nqais.
After the initial definition, the first and principal part of the entry follows (with some variations: see below)
On the nature of animals 10.44 (web address 1).
Aelian calls it
tefra/s, and says it is so-called because of its color ("dusty").
Aelian says he does not know how the
me/mbrac got its name.
Aelian calls it
lake/tas "chirper."
[4] In
Aelian kerkw/ph.
[5] Doric form corresponding to Attic/Ionic
h)xe/ths "clear-sounding":
alpha 4689,
eta 675.
[6] "Prickly thing":
alpha 798.
[7] Polemical remark from
alpha 798; lacking (Adler reports) in mss AF, in the margin of V.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 March 2014@23:27:25.
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