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Headword: *teumhsi/a
Adler number: tau,429
Translated headword: Teumesian, Teumessian
Vetting Status: high
Those who have written on Theban history have given full accounts of the Teumes[s]ian fox; Aristodemus, for instance.[1] For [sc. he says that] this beast was sent by the gods to to punish Cadmus' people, which was why they used to exclude those descended from Cadmus from the kingship. But they say that Cephalus the son of Deion, an Athenian who owned a dog that no beast could escape ([Cephalus was the man] who had accidentally killed his own wife Proknis,[2] but the Cadmeans had absolved him by purification), pursued the fox with his dog; and when they had caught up with it near Teumes[s]os,[3] both the dog and the fox became stones. These [writers] took the myth from the epic cycle.
Greek Original:
*teumhsi/a: peri\ th=s *teumhsi/as a)lw/pekos oi( ta\ *qhbai+ka\ gegrafo/tes i(kanw=s i(storh/kasi, kaqa/per *)aristo/dhmos: e)pipemfqh=nai me\n ga\r u(po\ qew=n to\ qhri/on tou=to toi=s *kadmei/ois, dio/ti th=s basilei/as e)c- e/kleion tou\s a)po\ *ka/dmou gegono/tas. *ke/falon de/ fasi, to\n *dhi+o/nos, *)aqhnai=on o)/nta kai\ ku/na kekthme/non, o(\n ou)de\n die/feuge tw=n qhri/wn [o(\s a)pe/kteinen a)/kwn th\n e(autou= gunai=ka *pro/knin, kaqhra/ntwn au)to\n tw=n *kadmei/wn], diw/kein th\n a)lw/peka meta\ tou= kuno/s: katalambanome/nous de\ peri\ to\n *teumhso\n li/qous gene/sqai to/n te ku/na kai\ th\n a)lw/peka. ei)lh/fasi d' ou(=toi to\n mu=qon e)k tou= *)epikou= ku/klou.
Same entry in Photius (tau217 Theodoridis), and the paroemiographer Apostolius (16.42). Other versions of this myth, one of Ovid's Metamorphoses, include Apollodorus 2.4.6.
[1] Aristodemus FGrH 383 F2.
[2] Thus the name as transmitted, but it is an error for Prokris (pi 2488).
[3] A mountain in NE Boiotia; Stephanus of Byzantium s.v.; Barrington Atlas map 55 grid E4.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; definition; epic; geography; historiography; mythology; proverbs; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 March 2010@09:37:44.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 9 April 2010@21:51:46.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 10 April 2010@06:45:10.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 14 August 2011@05:12:34.
David Whitehead on 9 January 2014@08:12:44.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; expanded n.2) on 12 March 2014@10:01:47.


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