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Search results for tau,427 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,427
Translated headword: to a craftsman
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to a maker, to a preparer/producer.
Greek Original:*teukth=ri: poihth=|, kataskeuasth=|.
This entry is identical to
Synagoge tau132 Cunningham and
Lexicon tau215 Theodoridis, and the headword occurs nowhere outside of lexicography. At
Hesychius tau688 it appears in the genitive with the gloss
poihtou=. It cannot therefore be a normal word for craftsman in general (see bibliography); in its original context (likely poetical), it may have been used figuratively for a poet. It derives from the verb
teu/xw (
tau 435, cf.
tau 375,
tau 420); cf.
tau 428.
For the argument that the root verb referred to the accurate strokes of craftsmen hammering or chiseling surfaces such as bronze, gold, stone and ivory in the arts known today as chasing,
sphyrelaton, engraving and relief sculpture see
tau 375,
nu 211 (citing the
scholia to
Idylls 1.28),
tau 1148.
Frontisi-Ducroux, F., Dédale : mythologie de l’artisan en grèce ancienne (Paris, 1975)
See the extensive bibliography at tau 375
Keywords: art history; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 10 May 2003@06:19:05.
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