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Headword: *teuqi/des
Adler number: tau,424
Translated headword: squids, calamari
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] cuttle-fish.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the singular] teuqi/s, [meaning] a small cheap fish.[2]
And Aristophanes says about Antimachus: "in a simple word, may Zeus destroy badly Antimachus the son of Psekas, who dismissed my wretched self without dinner. May I yet see him wanting a squid, which hissing on the spit by the sea runs aground lying on a table; and then as he is about to take it, may a dog snatch it and eat it. This [is] one bad thing for him."[3]
Greek Original:
*teuqi/des: shpi/ai. kai\ *teuqi/s, i)xqu/dion eu)tele/s. kai/ fhsin *)aristofa/nhs peri\ *)antima/xou: *)anti/maxon to\n *yeka/dos, w(s me\n a(plw=| lo/gw|, kakw=s a)pole/seien o( *zeu/s: o(/s g' e)me\ to\n tlh/mona a)/deipnon a)pe/lusen: o(\n e)/t' i)/doimi teuqi/dos deo/menon: h( d' w)pthme/nh si/zousa pa/ralos e)pi\ trape/zhs keime/nh o)ke/llei: ka)=|ta me/llontos labei=n au)tou=, ku/wn a(rpa/sas fa/goi. tou=to me\n au)tw=| kako\n e(/n.
[1] Likewise in the Synagoge (tau131) and Photius' Lexicon (tau214 Theodoridis); similarly already in Hesychius (tau684).
[2] cf. Hesychius tau685.
[3] Aristophanes, Acharnians 1150-64; cf. sigma 387, psi 39.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; food; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 March 2014@01:24:55.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (expanded notes; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 11 March 2014@04:05:07.
David Whitehead on 11 March 2014@04:05:27.
David Whitehead (coding) on 28 May 2016@03:38:50.


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