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Search results for tau,422 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,422
Translated headword: I have been deluded, I am demented
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning I am struck by lightening, I am outside of my wits; [sc. the word comes] either from thunder, or from the cudgels brought down upon Typhon, or from the winds called typhoon-like, which of course themselves break off and disperse what is crowded together. For
Alcaeus, too, says: "wrapped altogether in smoke [
e)tu/fws'], he was taken from his wits."[1]
Greek Original:*tetu/fwmai: a)nti\ tou= e)mbebro/nthmai, e)/cw tw=n frenw=n ge/gona: h)/toi a)po\ th=s bronth=s, h)\ a)po\ tw=n e)pi\ to\n *tufw=na kataferome/nwn skhptw=n, h)\ a)po\ tw=n tufwnikw=n kaloume/nwn pneuma/twn, a(\ dh\ kai\ au)ta\ e)ci/sthsin a)qro/ws katarrage/nta. kai\ ga\r *)alkai=o/s fhsi: pa/mpan d' e)tu/fws', e)k d' e)le/geto fre/nas.
For the headword see already
tau 421. The present entry (also in
Photius) follows Harpocration's entry on it, but omits the crucial opening reference:
Demosthenes 18.11 (where D. says that he is
not in such a state).
Alcaeus fr. 336 Lobel-Page.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; mythology; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 20 October 2009@16:16:24.
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