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Adler number: tau,394
Translated headword: tetraktys, tetraktus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the tetrads: or rather the fourth [sc. triangular number].[1]
[Note] that the Pythagoreans used to call every number by a name. The number adds up to 10, the tenth [sc. number is] a composition of the 4. And because of this they used to call the whole [nature of] number tetraktys.[2]
The same men [i.e. the Pythagoreans] also used to revere the tetrads, because of the four phases of the moon; for [they are] new-born, crescent-shaped, gibbous, and full-moon.[3]
Greek Original:*tetraktu/s: oi( te/ssares: h)/goun h( tetra/s. o(/ti oi( *puqago/reioi pa/nta a)riqmo\n proshgo/reuon. o( de\ a)riqmo\s sumplhrou=tai toi=s i#, o( de\ de/katos su/nqesis tw=n d#. kai\ dia\ tou=to to\n a)riqmo\n pa/nta tetraktu\n e)/legon. oi( au)toi\ e)ti/mwn kai\ ta\ te/ssara, dia\ ta\s te/ssaras th=s selh/nhs morfa/s: a)rti/tokos ga/r, mhnoeidh/s, a)mfi/kurtos kai\ panse/lhnos.
See LSJ s.v.
tetraktu/s, I, for the Pythagorean sense of this headword. (Sense II, with various subsets, relates to musical intervals.) See also
tau 481.
[1] The headword is identically glossed in the
Synagoge (tau121),
Lexicon (tau194 Theodoridis) and
Lexica Segueriana 385.21; cf.
Hesychius (tau625) and
Bibliotheca 439a 5-8. The tetraktys represents the summation 1+2+3+4=10 geometrically -- typically with pebbles, dots, or alphas -- as one item centered above a pair, three underneath those, and a base of four, thereby forming an equilateral triangle (Ross, pp. 145-6; Annas, p. 54-5). The sums of successive levels comprise the
triangular numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10, and so forth (Burnet, pp. 113-4;
Thomas, pp. 86-91).
[2] The preceding three sentences also appear, approximately, at
alpha 3880 (end). Number naming traditions varied. Parts of one can be gleaned from
Aristotle's extant works and the commentary on the
Metaphysics by Alexander of
Aphrodisias, the latter evidently working from
Aristotle's lost work on the Pythagoreans. For example, the number one is
mind and being; two is
opinion; three -- comprising beginning, middle, and end -- is
the whole; and four represents both
justice and, as the tetraktys itself, the whole nature of number (Burkert, p. 467; Ross, p. 144-5).
[3] Swearing their oaths upon it (Ross, p. 146), the Pythagoreans considered the tetraktys perfect; cf.
epsiloniota 29 notes. Other Suda passages devoted to
Pythagoras include
pi 3120,
pi 3121,
pi 3123, and
pi 3124.
W.D. Ross, Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. I, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1924
J. Annas, Aristotle's Metaphysics Books M and N, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976
J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, 2nd edn., London: Adam and Charles Black, 1908
I. Thomas, trans., Greek Mathematics: From Thales to Euclid, vol. I, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002
W. Burkert, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, trans. E.L. Minar, Jr., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1972
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; imagery; law; mathematics; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 3 July 2008@19:50:24.
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