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Search results for tau,388 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,388
Translated headword: you were born on the fourth
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those labouring for someone else. For [it is said that] Heracles, born on the fourth, endured hardship for Eurystheus.[1] But
Philochorus says that the [proverb] can also be used of Hermes.[2] But [it is said that] the [fourth] day has been associated with Heracles because it was then that he joined the gods.
Greek Original:*tetra/di ge/gonas: e)pi\ tw=n a)/llws ponou/ntwn. kai\ ga\r to\n *(hrakle/a tetra/di gennhqe/nta *eu)rusqei= talaipwrh=sai. *filo/xoros de\ au)th\n kai\ e)pi\ *(ermou= du/nasqai le/gesqai. diateqei=sqai de\ *(hraklei= th\n h(me/ran e)n tau/th| ei)s qeou\s metasta/nti.
Keywords: chronology; daily life; definition; historiography; mythology; proverbs; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 November 2006@10:41:38.
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