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Search results for tau,368 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,368
Translated headword: worth four obols
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to things worthy of high status.[1]
'You consider this free speech of yours to be worth four obols, as the proverb has it, but you are unaware that even Thersites exercised free speech amongst the Greeks -- though Agamemnon was less bothered by his drunken antics than a tortoise is, in the story, by flies'.[2]
Greek Original:*tetta/rwn o)bolw=n: e)pi\ tw=n pollh=s timh=s a)ci/wn. th\n parrhsi/an th\n sh\n oi)/ei tetta/rwn o)bolw=n ei)=nai, to\ th=s paroimi/as. ou)k oi)=sqa, o(/ti kai\ *qersi/ths e)n toi=s *(/ellhsin e)parrhsia/zeto: tw=| de\ *)agame/mnoni th=s *qersi/tou paroini/as e)/latton e)/melen h)\ xelw/nh| muiw=n, to\ tou= lo/gou.
[1] cf.
Apostolius 16.35 -- but, there, with the gloss 'things
not worthy of high status'. That version might be right, given the low value of the obol (
omicron 7), yet what Julian says -- next note -- seems to indicate otherwise; and cf. anyway
tau 413. A puzzle, left unsolved in Tosi (cited under
alpha 378) no.1686.
[2] From Julian (
iota 437),
Letters 82 (p.106 Bidez/Cumont); again at
chi 191. For Thersites see
theta 257. For 'free speech' see
pi 636,
pi 637.
Keywords: daily life; economics; epic; ethics; food; mythology; proverbs; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 May 2004@08:59:34.
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