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Adler number: tau,348
Translated headword: Termerian evils
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A place in
Karia is called Termerion, which the tyrants used to use as a prison.[1] This spot, a deserted one, lies between
Melos and Halicarnassus.[2] And with elusive pirates operating from this, this was said.
So great evils [are called] 'Termerian evils'.[3]
Greek Original:*terme/ria kaka/: peri\ *kari/an xwri/on *terme/rion kalei=tai, w(=| e)xrw=nto oi( tu/rannoi desmwthri/w|. to\ de\ xwri/on e)rumno\n tugxa/non kei=tai metacu\ *mh/lou kai\ *(alikarnassou=. tw=n de\ a)po\ tou/tou lhi+zome/nwn dusalw/twn tugxano/ntwn, lexqh=nai tou=to. *terme/ria ou)=n kaka/, ta\ mega/la kaka/.
[1] So the transmitted text, but for 'tyrannoi' one could perhaps read (with K.O. Mueller) 'Tyrr(h)enoi', i.e. Etruscans; cf.
phi 184.
[2] '
Melos', an island in the S Aegean, cannot be right, and 'Mylos' (transmitted at
Photius tau191 Theodoridis) is no better. What we need, as Hemsterhuys realized, is
Myndos. Cape Termerion is the present-day Koca Burun; Barrington Atlas map 61 grid E4.
Zenobius 6.6, etc. See also
mu 24.
Keywords: daily life; ethics; geography; history; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 December 2002@08:50:25.
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