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Search results for tau,346 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,346
Translated headword: limit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning an] end, boundary or turning-post.[1]
"At the limit of [their] season." [Meaning] after [their] youth.[2]
For the mountain is divided into three parts: into ridge, into slopes, into limit. And the ridge is the summit, while the sides of the mountain are slopes, and the last parts are the limit and feet.[3]
Greek Original:*te/rma: te/los, o(/ros h)\ kampth/r. te/rmasin w(/ras. meta\ th\n neo/thta. ei)s tri/a ga\r dih/|rhtai to\ o)/ros: ei)s a)krw/reian, ei)s u(pw/reian, ei)s te/rma. kai\ a)krw/reia me/n e)stin h( korufh/, u(pw/reia de\ ta\ pleura\ tou= o)/rous, te/rma de\ ta\ teleutai=a kai\ po/des.
Keywords: athletics; comedy; definition; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 December 2013@01:20:45.
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