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Search results for tau,322 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,322
Translated headword: until then, hitherto, in the meantime, as long as, until
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The orators [use it] in reference to a previous time or to long ago. Up to then.
te/ws [sc. occurs in] Antiphon: "for until then a long time was more reliable than a short one."[1] Also in reference to 'in such an amount [sc. of time]'.[2]
And again: "they disclosing the weapons until then hidden."[3] And again: "and he destroyed those who until then had been victorious."[4]
And in the
Defense against a Charge of Taking Bribes: "I beg of you to hold the same opinion about me as [in the time] hitherto."[5] And in the first [speech] on the
Inheritance of Dicaeogenes: "
Dicaeogenes until then lived among us, but after he had passed scrutiny he got married."[6] And in the sense of 'in such an amount [sc. of time]'.
Isaeus in the [speech]
In Response to Ansibios:[7] "we held the opinion that the closest of kin should live with her, and that the property in the meantime belonged to the heiress: but when they are of age, they should take possession of it." And in the sense of
e(/ws ["until"/"while"], as in
Demosthenes in
Philippics 2: "just as in the matter of bodies, as long as they are in a good health, one is not conscious of unsoundness in the individual parts."[8] And in the [speech]
Against Dionysodorus: "not to agree to the interest-payments to
Rhodes until our case should be settled."[9] And in the [speech]
On the False Embassy: "instead of Oropus being restored to you, you are making an armed expedition to secure Drymus and the district of Panactum, an operation in which we never engaged as long as the Phocians were safe."[10] And in the [speech]
On the Navy-Boards: "and indeed I cannot see that any of the other Greeks would reasonably fear this war. For who of them does not know that as long as they were of one mind and regarded him [sc. the Persian] as their common enemy, they could count on many advantages?"[11]
"And they overturned that altar on which until then they used to propitiate the god."[12]
Greek Original:*te/ws: oi( r(h/tores e)pi\ tou= prote/rou, h)\ pa/lai. me/xri tou=. te/ws, *)antifw=n: te/ws me\n ga\r o( polu\s xro/nos tou= o)li/gou pisto/teros h)=n. kai\ e)pi\ tou= e)n tosou/tw|. kai\ au)=qis: a)pokalu/yantes ta\ o(/pla te/ws e)skepasme/na. kai\ au)=qis: kai\ die/fqeire tou\s te/ws nenikhko/tas. kai\ e)n th=| *)apologi/a| th=s dwrodoki/as: de/omai u(mw=n th\n au)th\n gnw/mhn peri\ e)mou= e)/xein kai\ e)n tw=| te/ws. kai\ e)n tw=| prw/tw| peri\ tou= *dikaioge/nous klh/rou: *dikaioge/nhs de\ te/ws me\n w)/|kei par' h(mi=n, dokimasqei\s de\ e)/ghme. kai\ e)pi\ tou= e)n tosou/tw|. *)isai=os e)n tw=| pro\s *)ansi/bion: h(gou/meqa ga\r e)kei/nh| me\n to\n e)ggu/tata ge/nous sunoikei=n dei=n, to\ de\ xrh=ma te/ws th=s e)piklh/rou ei)=nai: e)peida\n de\ h(bh/swsin, e)kei/nous au)tw=n kratei=n. kai\ e)pi\ tou= e(/ws, w(s para\ *dhmosqe/nei e)n b# tw=n *filippikw=n: w(/sper ga\r e)n toi=s sw/masi, te/ws me\n a)\n e)rrwme/na h)=|, ou)de\n e)paisqa/netai tw=n kaqe/kasta saqrw=n. kai\ e)n tw=| kata\ *dionusodw/rou: tou\s de\ ei)s *(ro/don to/kous mh\ kaqomologei=n, te/ws a)\n diakriqw=men. kai\ e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s parapresbei/as: a)nti\ tou= to\n *)wrwpo\n u(mi=n paradoqh=nai peri\ tou= *drumou= kai\ th=s pro\s *pana/ktw| xw/ras meq' o(/plwn e)ce/rxesqe, o(/, te/ws h)=san sw=|oi *fwkei=s, ou)de/pote e)poih/samen. kai\ e)n tw=| *peri\ tw=n *summoriw=n: kai\ mh\n ou)de\ tw=n a)/llwn ou)de/na a)\n *(ellh/nwn ei)ko/tws fobhqe/nta to\n po/lemon tou=ton o(rw=. ti/s ga\r ou)k oi)=den au)tw=n, o(/ti, te/ws me\n koino\n e)xqro\n e)kei=non w(mono/oun a)llh/lois, pollw=n a)/ra h)=san ku/rioi; kai\ to\n bwmo/n, e)f' ou(= te/ws i(leou=nto to\n dai/mona, a)ne/streyan.
See also
tau 321.
[1] Antiphon fr. 79 Thalheim. (The Suda is the only source for this fragment.)
[2] See
epsilon 1904.
[3] Quotation not identified by Adler but it is
Jewish War 5.350 (abridged). See Theodoridis'
Photius edition, vol.II p.LXXXVII.
[4] Quotation unidentifiable.
[5] An abridgement of
Lysias 21.19 (web address 1). Kuster added the name
Lysias before the speech-title.
Lysias 33 [
In Response to Glaukon on on the Inheritance of Dicaeogenes I] fr. 71 Carey OCT. (Not from the extant speech
Isaeus 5
On the estate of Dicaeogenes).
[7] An abridgement of a passage quoted more fully (
Isaeus fr. 2.2 Roussel) at
eta 19. As Kuster first appreciated, this is most likely the same speech cited as
In Response to Lysibios in
epsilon 2300.
[8] A paraphrase of ps.-
Demosthenes 11.13-14 (web address 2), which is modeled in turn on
Demosthenes 2.21 (web address 3).
Demosthenes 56.14 (web address 4).
Demosthenes 19.326 (web address 5).
Demosthenes 14.35-36 (web address 6).
Aelian fr. 174a Domingo-Forasté (part of 171 Hercher); cf.
pi 1134.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5,
Web address 6
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Giacomo Peru on 2 July 2014@04:06:29.
Vetted by:William Hutton (added headwords, modified translation, augmented and regularized notes, added links, raised status) on 2 July 2014@04:12:55.
William Hutton on 2 July 2014@04:16:58.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 2 July 2014@06:04:00.
Catharine Roth (updated reference) on 2 July 2014@23:29:18.
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