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Search results for tau,305 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,305
Translated headword: lagoons, shallows, shoals
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] wet [places], moist places, muddy seas; or mud, with not much water coming to the surface and vegetation appearing on top of the water.[1]
Polybius [writes]: "at the outlet of the Boukaras river into the sea, observing that in certain conditions of winds the mouth was silted up and the passage by the mouth became shallow, watching for the aforesaid occurrence he took the army across."[2]
"But the majority of the boats rode at anchor upstream because of the shoals."[3]
Greek Original:*tena/gh: dia/broxoi, ka/qugroi to/poi, phlw/dh pela/gh: h)\ i)lu/s, e)pipola/zontos u(/datos ou) pollou= kai\ bota/nhs e)pifainome/nhs tw=| u(/dati. *polu/bios: kata\ th\n ei)s qa/lattan e)kbolh\n tou= *bouka/ra potamou= sunqewrh/sas kata/ tinas a)ne/mwn sta/seis a)poqinou/menon to\ sto/ma kai\ tenagw/dh ginome/nhn th\n para\ to\ sto/ma pa/rodon, thrh/sas to\ proeirhmeno\n su/mptwma diebi/base th\n stratia/n. ta\ de\ dh\ plei/w tw=n ploi/wn mete/wra dia\ ta\ tena/gh a)pesa/leue.
Nominative/accusative plural of the neuter noun
[1] Likewise in the
Synagoge (tau92) and
Photius (tau149 Theodoridis), and similarly elsewhere: see e.g.
Hesychius (tau466) and
scholia on
Plato (
Timaeus 25D) Apollonius Rhodius (
Argonautica 4.1237), and Gregory of Nazianzus (PG 36.1249c;
Lex.Greg. 174.2).
Polybius 1.75.8-9, on Hamilcar (
alpha 1596) in the Carthaginian Mercenary War (241 BCE). The name of the river is inserted here from 1.75.5, where it is given as the Makaras. It is best known, in fact, as the Bagradas. See also
beta 421.
[3] Another version of a quotation already given at
epsilon 3116, q.v.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 December 2013@01:09:34.
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