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Adler number: tau,3
Translated headword: notary
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] he who writes the city's contracts, the man called popularly 'lawyer'.[1]
"Validating all the documents of the citizens, sealing each of them with his personal mark."[2]
Greek Original:*tabelli/wn: o( ta\ th=s po/lews gra/fwn sumbo/laia, o( para\ toi=s polloi=s nomiko\s lego/menos. a(/panta e)pitelw=n ta\ tw=n politw=n grammatei=a, e(/kaston au)tw=n oi)kei/ois e)pisfragi/zwn gra/mmasi.
The headword
tabellio is a Latin word for a notary or drafter of legal documents: see OLD s.v. tabellio, quoting Ulpian,
Digest Synonymous is
tabellanio (
Edict of Diocletian 7.41; cf. Souter s.v.).
[1] This word for lawyer (
nomikos) is used in the New Testament, at
Matthew 22:35 and elsewhere, as a general word for the (Jewish) lawyers who questioned Jesus. Its New Testament use would mean that the word was familiar in the compiler's Byzantine times, which I take to be the implicit background to 'called popularly'.
Secret History 28.6; see in context at
pi 2303. Though the final phrase here might mean 'with his own letters', I take it to refer to use of a seal to make an impression; if this is correct,
grammasi would refer to the seal design, not to letters of the alphabet.
Alexander Souter, Glossary of Later Latin to 600 AD (Oxford, 1949)
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; historiography; history; law; religion
Translated by: Paul McKechnie on 18 February 2000@18:35:49.
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