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Search results for tau,290 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,290
Translated headword: tax-collector, publican
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] divider of other people's affairs: "outspoken violence, unpunished theft, greed unashamed, business without reason, shameless commerce".[1]
Greek Original:*telw/nhs: a)llotri/wn pragma/twn meristh/s, peparrhsiasme/nh bi/a, a)nepiti/mhtos a(rpagh/, a)nai/sxuntos pleoneci/a, pragmatei/a lo/gon mh\ e)/xousa, a)naidh\s e)mpori/a.
For the headword see also
tau 287,
tau 288,
tau 289.
[1] The phrases quoted come from John Chrysostom,
Non esse desperandum (PG 51.365a), where such men have been mentioned.
Keywords: Christianity; economics; ethics; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 December 2012@01:20:01.
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