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Search results for tau,288 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,288
Translated headword: publican, tax-collector
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] an examiner of taxes.[1]
Solon disdained Croesus' present fortune and bade him to await the end of his whole life, and neither to leap ahead nor to be hasty to enroll himself among the prosperous: for [he said] human affairs are obscure and unclear."[2]
Greek Original:*telw/nhs: o( tw=n telw=n e)tasth/s. o( de\ *so/lwn th=s parou/shs tw=| *kroi/sw| tu/xhs katefro/nhsen e)ke/leuse/ te tou= bi/ou panto\s to\ te/los a)name/nein, mhde\ prophda=n, mhde\ e)peigo/menon toi=s eu)dai/mosin e(auto\n e)gkatagra/fein: a)te/kmarta ga\r kai\ a)/dhla ta\ a)nqrw/pina.
[1] For this headword see also
tau 287,
tau 289,
tau 290.
Aelian fr. 70b Domingo-Forasté (part of 67 Hercher), partly quoted also at
epsilon 3017. (It is quoted here because it includes the noun
telos -- but not used in the sense it has been used in the preceding gloss.) For
Solon, see also
sigma 776,
sigma 777,
sigma 779. For Croesus, see also
kappa 2497,
kappa 2498,
kappa 2499,
kappa 2500.
Keywords: biography; definition; economics; ethics; historiography; history; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 March 2012@13:26:04.
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