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Search results for tau,287 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,287
Translated headword: tax-collector, publican
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] advance-payment.[1]
Iamblichus [writes]: "the tax-collector gave the necklace to the merchant. Will not already wolves set down lambs out of their mouths and lions release from their teeth fawns to their mothers, when even a tax-collector has given up such a prize?"[2]
Greek Original:*telw/nhs. prote/leia. *)ia/mblixos: e)/dwke to\n o(/rmon o( telw/nhs tw=| e)mpo/rw|. ou)k h)/dh kai\ lu/koi qh/sousin a)/rnas e)k tw=n stoma/twn kai\ le/ontes a)po\ tw=n o)do/ntwn a)polu/sousi nebrou\s tai=s mhtra/sin, o(po/te kai\ telw/nhs a)fh=ken a)/gran thlikau/thn;
For this headword see also
tau 288,
tau 289,
tau 290, and cf.
tau 291,
tau 292.
[1] Oddly, not a suitable gloss for the headword, but, as indicated, a (broadly) related abstract noun: see
pi 2865,
pi 2866,
pi 2867. (Adler notes that it is lacking in mss GM, and suggests that it has strayed in from the end of
tau 281.)
Babyloniaca fr. 93 Habrich.
Keywords: clothing; definition; economics; ethics; imagery; law; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 December 2012@01:20:38.
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