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Search results for tau,277 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,277
Translated headword: pond, marsh, swamp
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] muddy place, [one] having water [in it].[1]
"I care not less about such [men/things] than about the frogs in the swamps."[2]
And the Pisidian [writes]: "[he/she/it] dries up the streams, and turns the stones into swamps."[3]
Greek Original:*te/lma: to/pos phlw/dhs, u(/dwr e)/xwn. me/lei moi peri\ tw=n toiou/twn ou)de\n h(=tton h)\ tw=n e)n toi=s te/lmasi batra/xwn. kai\ *pisi/dhs: xersoi= ta\ r(ei=qra, telmatoi= de\ tou\s li/qous.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica (references at
Photius tau137 Theodoridis); cf.
tau 278.
[2] Julian,
Misopogon 358a; already at
mu 481.
[3] George of
Persian Expedition 2.311.
Keywords: daily life; definition; geography; imagery; poetry; proverbs; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 December 2013@01:19:26.
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