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Search results for tau,271 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,271
Translated headword: of the rite, related to ritual, perfect
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Hera of the Rite and Zeus of the Rite used to be honored in marriages, as overseers of marriage. Marriage is a rite [
telos]. Hence the sacrifice occurring before marriage is called "preceding the rite" [
[Note] that[2] the perfection [
teleiotes] naturally befalling man is twofold: the cognitive, which we call knowledge, and the appetitive, which we name virtue.
Greek Original:*telei/a: *(/hra *telei/a kai\ *zeu\s *te/leios e)timw=nto e)n toi=s ga/mois, w(s pruta/neis o)/ntes tw=n ga/mwn. te/los de\ o( ga/mos. dio\ kai\ prote/leia e)kalei=to h( qusi/a h( pro\ tw=n ga/mwn ginome/nh. o(/ti ditth\ h( kata\ fu/sin e)piba/llousa tw=| a)nqrw/pw| teleio/ths: me\n gnwstikh/, h(\n e)pisth/mhn kalou=men. h( de\ o)rektikh/, h(\n a)reth\n e)ponoma/zomen.
pi 2867,
tau 281.
[1] From the
scholia to
Thesmophoriazusae 973, where the phrase 'Hera Teleia' occurs.
[2] This philosophical addendum, Adler reports, constitutes a new entry in mss FV. Source indeterminable.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Z. Philip Ambrose on 18 January 2000@01:58:59.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added notes; augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 31 December 2002@10:53:55.
Catharine Roth (added note and keyword) on 1 May 2011@11:49:49.
David Whitehead (tweaking; raised ststus) on 8 January 2014@04:29:11.
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