[Meaning he] having been consumed by fire, or having been completely afflicted.[1]
*tequmme/nos: u(po\ puro\s e)kkekaume/nos, h)\ kekakwme/nos.
The headword, attested only in lexicography, is probably derived from uncompounding the form
e)pitequmme/nos, the perfect middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
e)pitu/fomai (
I am burnt up, but metaphorically
I am inflamed, e.g. by love, or
I am furious); see generally LSJ s.v.
The lemma might at first glance seem to be a rare variant -- or a propagated, mistaken spelling -- of
tequme/nos, perfect middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of the verb
I offer, I sacrifice; see LSJ s.v. This form occurs in e.g.
Hellenica 5.1.18 (web address 1). Indeed, as Adler reports,
tequme/nos was inserted above the headword in Suda ms M, and
tequme/nws was substituted for the headword in ms G. But the gloss (see next note) indicates that the first alternative is more likely.
[1] The headword is identically glossed in
Platonic Lexicon s.v. and in
Lexicon (tau111 Theodoridis); aside from the present Suda entry, the lemma appears nowhere else. Adler calls attention to the similarity between the gloss and a scholion to
Phaedrus 230A (web address 2). In the dialogue, Socrates wonders whether he might be a
qhri/on e)pitequmme/non, a
furious or rabid wild animal, but literally a beast
having been completely burned up; cf.
Hesychius s.v
e)pitequmme/nwn and
Etymologicum Magnum 458.40. To follow the arc of Adler's hint to its very end, therefore, it seems that lexicographers in late antiquity uncompounded the participle
e)pitequmme/non (from the verb
I am completely inflamed; see generally LSJ s.v.) and altered the gender to masculine, thereby deriving the headword.
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