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Headword: *taxu\s
Adler number: tau,204
Translated headword: swift, swiftly
Vetting Status: high
"But [swift/swiftly], when you fall into a cul-de-sac, leap to another thought of the mind." He calls a)/poron ["cul-de-sac"] that for which it is not possible to find a way out [po/ros]. With these words he means to ridicule Socrates, as jesting in the investigations and being made to change by difficulty. But he is teaching him that, if you are at a loss in some respect, leap swiftly to another thought. But he, subordinated to another, obviously himself coming into a trial of what is being said, is subordinated.
Greek Original:
*taxu\s d', o(/tan ei)s a)/poron e)mpe/sh|s, e)p' a)/llo ph/da no/hma freno/s. ou(= po/ron ou)k e)/stin eu(rei=n a)/poron le/gei. skw/ptein dia\ tou/twn bou/letai to\n *swkra/thn, w(s xleuazo/menon e)n tai=s suzhth/sesi kai\ meqista/menon u(po\ stenoxwri/as. dida/skei de\ au)to/n, o(/ti, e)a\n a)porh/sh|s ei)/s ti, taxe/ws e)p' a)/llo ph/da no/hma. o( de\ u(potiqe/menos a)/llw| dhlono/ti, au)to\s e)n pei/ra| geno/menos tw=n o(/sa le/getai, u(poti/qetai.
Aristophanes, Clouds 703-4 (a lyric passage: web address 1), with scholion; see already at mu 724. Socrates (sigma 829) needs to take his own advice.
The end of the scholion is hard to fathom.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; imagery; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 November 2013@01:40:19.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks; augmented notes and keywords) on 19 November 2013@03:19:45.
David Whitehead (more of same) on 21 November 2013@03:21:29.
David Whitehead on 7 January 2014@06:42:11.


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