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Search results for tau,201 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,201
Translated headword: fast-walking oaths
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristarchus understands [this] as an opposite, meaning slow [ones].[1] But better those which have come (?)to have another sense(?);[2] for men who have broken [sc. such] an oath [are] unharmed. Hence also [comes] a proverb: 'an Aphrodisian oath may be violated with impunity'.[3]
Greek Original:*taxuba/monas o(/rkous: *)ari/starxos kat' a)nti/frasin a)kou/ei, a)nti\ tou= bradei=s. be/ltion de\ tou\s e)n e(te/rw| tini\ genome/nous noei=n: a)blabei=s ga\r oi( e)piorkh/santes. o(/qen kai\ paroimi/a: *)afrodi/sios o(/rkos ou)k e)mpoi/nimos.
Same or v. similar entries in
Photius (tau92 Theodoridis) and other lexica, and in some of the paroemiographers. The headword phrase itself, in the accusative case, is thought to come from tragedy (adespota fr. 333a Kannicht-Snell).
[1] Antiphrasis: naming something from its opposite. For
Aristarchus see generally
alpha 3892.
Pausanias the Atticist and
Hesychius have a better reading:
tou\s e)n e)/rwti ginome/nous "those [oaths] made in passion."
[3] For this see already at
alpha 4652.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; law; proverbs; religion; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 March 2010@10:25:38.
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