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Adler number: tau,20
Translated headword: things from the tripod
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Apollo uses a tripod when prophesying because of the three time-periods of actions.
Homer [writes]: "he knew the things that are and the things that would be and the things that were before."[1] They say that Apollo acquired his tripod thus:[2] some fisherman were casting their net for wages, so that what was brought up would belong to the one who bought the cast. So some people bought [the cast], and then a golden tripod was brought up. Then they became contentious about this, and the fishermen said "it was fish that we sold." But the ones who bought [the cast] said, "we bought everything that comes up by our own luck." So since they were becoming contentious with each other in this way, they decided to ask Apollo. And he pronounced that it should be given to the wise one. So they brought it to the seven wise men.[3] But each one of them refused it, saying that he was not wise, but that one wiser than he should have it. So they decided to dedicate it to Apollo since he was wiser than all.
Greek Original:*ta\ e)k tri/podos: tri/podi xrh=tai o( *)apo/llwn manteuo/menos dia\ tou\s trei=s kairou\s tw=n pragma/twn. *(/omhros: o(\s h)/|dh ta/ t' e)o/nta ta/ t' e)so/mena pro/ t' e)o/nta. fasi\ de\ ou(/tw kth/sasqai to\n *)apo/llwna to\n tri/poda: a(liei=s misqw=| bo/lon e)rri/ptoun, i(/na to\ a)nafero/menon h)=| tou= a)gora/santos to\n bo/lon. h)go/rasan ou)=n tines, ei)=ta a)nhne/xqh tri/pous xrusou=s. e)filonei/koun ou)=n peri\ au)tou=, kai\ e)/legon oi( a(liei=s, w(s i)xqu=s pepra/kamen. oi( de\ a)gora/santes e)/legon, w(s pa=n to\ a)nio\n h)gora/samen th=| e(autw=n tu/xh|. ou(/tws ou)=n au)tw=n filoneikou/ntwn, e)/docen e)rwth=sai to\n *)apo/llwna. o( de\ e)/xrhse doqh=nai au)to\n tw=| sofw=|. prosh/gagon ou)=n au)to\n toi=s e(pta\ sofoi=s. e(/kastos de\ tou/twn parh|tei=to, sofo\s ei)=nai mh\ le/gwn, e)/xein de\ sofw/teron e(autou=. e)/docen ou)=n a)naqei=nai au)to\n tw=| *)apo/llwni w(s sofwte/rw| pa/ntwn.
The headword phrase, referring to the tripod on which the Pythian priestess at
Delphi sat while delivering the god's prophecies, is a variant of that dealt with at
tau 15. For this version cf.
Diogenianus 8.21, but outside lexicography the phrase appears as such only at
Life of Apollonius 2.37; elsewhere it appears with qualifications such as "Pythian tripod" or "Delphic tripod"; e.g. Lucian,
Pseudologista 10, or (with irony) "Macedonian tripod" at
Demosthenes 29. See generally Tosi no.2285.
Homer Iliad 1.70 (describing not Apollo but the seer Calchas).
[2] A closely similar version of this story is found in the
scholia to
Wealth [
Plutus] 9, where the phrase
tri/podos e)k xrushla/tou ("From a golden tripod") occurs.
[3] a.k.a. the Seven Sages; see generally OCD(4) s.v.
Renzo Tosi, Dictionnaire des sentences latines et grecques (Grenoble 2010)
Keywords: comedy; daily life; economics; epic; ethics; food; geography; imagery; philosophy; poetry; proverbs; religion; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: Rachael Birch on 30 January 2014@11:30:21.
Vetted by:William Hutton (modified translation, added notes and keywords, raised status) on 30 January 2014@11:39:13.
William Hutton (Added note 2, another keyword) on 30 January 2014@11:59:48.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 31 January 2014@03:28:59.
William Hutton (typo) on 31 January 2014@09:49:05.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@07:23:51.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 17 June 2022@00:53:27.
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