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Adler number: tau,185
Translated headword: the same
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristotle divides this three ways in the
Topics. In addition to these three he also adds a fourth, “by analogy,” being beyond the three. The three are these: “The same, you see, is spoken concerning number, concerning species, and for genus. Things whose names are many are the same as one another when the reality indicated by them is one, such are the things with several names, for in number the terms 'overcoat' and 'cloak' are one, because they clearly are indicative of one and the same thing in number. And if the definition and the name indicate the same thing, then this too is one in number. And if several definitions indicate the same thing, these two are the same in number; it is to be the same in number, not in the names that designate them. Summing up, according to number, as things with more than one name, overcoat, cloak. According to species, as Socrates and
Plato. According to genus, as man and horse; for both are animals. According to analogy, as heart and spring and unit; for as the spring is for drinking, thus also the unit in number, the heart in life. Sight in the eyes, the mind in the soul. Windlessness and calm are the same, for what the calm is in the sea, this is windlessness in the air, for both are restfulness."
Greek Original:*tau)to/n: tou=to trixw=s diairei= *)aristote/lhs e)n toi=s *topikoi=s. pro\s de\ tou/tois toi=s trisi\ kai\ te/tarto/n tina prosti/qetai, kat' a)nalogi/an, porrw/teron o)/nta tw=n triw=n. oi( de\ trei=s ei)sin ou(=toi: tau)to\n ga\r to\ me\n kat' a)riqmo\n le/getai, to\ de\ kat' ei)=dos, to\ de\ tw=| ge/nei. a)riqmw=| tau)ta/ e)stin a)llh/lois w(=n o)no/mata plei/w, to\ de\ pra=gma to\ u(p' au)tw=n shmaino/menon e(/n, oi(=a/ e)sti ta\ poluw/numa: a)riqmw=| ga\r e(\n to\ lw/pion kai\ i(ma/tion, o(/ti tou= au)tou= kai\ e(no\s kat' a)riqmo/n e)sti dhlwtika/. ka)\n lo/gos de\ ka)\n o)/noma tauto\n shmai/nh|, e(\n kat' a)riqmo\n kai\ tou=to: ka)\n lo/goi plei/ous shmai/nwsi tau)to/, kai\ tau=ta a)riqmw=| tauta/: tw=| ga\r a)riqmw=| toi=s au)toi=s ei)=nai/ e)stin, ou) toi=s o)no/masi shmantikoi=s. sunelo/nti fa/nai, kat' a)riqmo/n, w(s ta\ poluw/numa, lw=pos, i(ma/tion. kat' ei)=dos, w(s *swkra/ths kai\ *pla/twn. kata\ ge/nos, oi(=on a)/nqrwpos, i(/ppos: zw=|a ga\r a)/mfw. kat' a)nalogi/an, w(s kardi/a kai\ phgh\ kai\ mona/s: w(s ga\r e)/xei h( phgh\ pro\s poto/n, ou(/tw kai\ mona\s e)n a)riqmw=|, kardi/a e)n zw/|w|. o)/yis e)n o)fqalmoi=s: nou=s e)n yuxh=|. nhnemi/a kai\ galh/nh h( au)th/: o(\ ga\r galh/nh e)n qala/ssh|, tou=to nhnemi/a e)n a)e/ri: h(suxi/a ga\r a)/mfw.
The Suda follows Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 58.5-59.5 (concerning
Topica 103a7) for a while, then truncates and abbreviates the latter part of it severely.
For a translation of Alexander’s passage, and annotation on it, see Van Ophuijsen, pp. 62-63 and 160, notes 466-473.
On identity in
Aristotle (
tau)ta/) cf.
Metaphysics 5.9.
Johannes M. Van Ophuijsen, Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Aristotle’s Topics I. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2001
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 9 May 2002@14:29:29.
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