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Search results for tau,177 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,177
Translated headword: on this account
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] because of this, or thus.[1]
"On this account he was deposed from his rule not much later."[2]
And elsewhere: "on this account I might even speak without any caution."[3]
And elsewhere: "and on this account he [sc. Ulpian] seemed to differ from his brother [sc. Isidore]."[4]
And elsewhere: "
Brutus on this account did not even attempt to cross, but they, passing a certain longer [...]."[5]
Greek Original:*tau/th|: tou/tou e(/neken, h)\ ou(/tws. tau/th| toi ou) polu\ u(/steron parelu/qh th=s a)rxh=s. kai\ au)=qis: tau/th| toi kai\ ou)/ ti eu)labou/menos ei)/poimi. kai\ au)=qis: kai\ e)do/kei tau/th| ge tou= a)delfou= diafe/rein. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ *brou=tos tau/th| ou)de\ e)pei/rase diabh=nai, e(te/ran de/ tina makrote/ran perielqo/ntes.
[1] Likewise in the
Synagoge (tau41) and
Lexicon (tau82 Theodoridis), similarly already in
Hesychius (tau265) and elsewhere.
[2] Adler attributed the sentence to
Aelian, but Zintzen accepts it as fr. 177 of
Life of Isidore.
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
Life of Isidore fr.324 Zintzen (296 Asmus): quoted more fully at
omicron 914.
[5] G. Wirth (not Roos, as in Adler),
Flavii Arriani ... Scripta minora et fragmenta (1967) suggests the name is Brutius and identifies him as C. Bruttius [sic] Praesens, consul 139 CE (see generally OCD(4) 254); but he only comments on this in his note on fr.85 of the
Parthica and does not quite assign it as a fragment.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 29 August 2001@15:23:16.
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