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Search results for tau,175 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,175
Translated headword: for you this [is] both Pythia and Delia
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverb] in reference to those taking their final actions.[1] For when Polykrates, the tyrant of
Samos, had captured Rheneia and dedicated it to Apollo, he set up a most beautiful festival in
Delos.[2] Then he sent to
Delphi and asked what he must call the festival, Delia or Pythia. But the oracle said: "for you [this is] both Pythia and Delia"; meaning that he would die immediately.[3]
Greek Original:*tau=ta/ soi kai\ *pu/qia kai\ *dh/lia: e)pi\ tw=n ta\ teleutai=a poiou/ntwn. *polukra/ths ga\r o( *sa/mou tu/rannos *(rh/nian e(lw\n kai\ a)naqei\s au)th\n tw=| *)apo/llwni kai\ e)n *dh/lw| qei\s a)gw=na ka/lliston h)rw/ta pe/myas ei)s *delfou/s, pw=s dei= kalei=n to\n a)gw=na, *dh/lia h)\ *pu/qia. o( de\ xrhsmo\s ei)=pe: tau=ta/ soi kai\ *pu/qia kai\ *dh/lia: shmai/nwn, o(/ti eu)qe/ws a)poqanei=tai.
[1] The proverb, which is in the iambic metre (with
kai\ *dh/lia beginning a new line) is attributed to the comic poet
Menander (fr. 147 Kock = 134 Koerte-Thierfelder = 84 Kassel-Austin). In the paroemiographers:
Zenobius 6.15;
Apostolius 15.9; Arsenius 16.17a.
[2] (
Delos lies between the larger islands of Rheneia [
rho 134] and
Mykonos.) For this episode cf.
Thucydides 1.13.6 and 3.104.2.
[3] cf.
pi 3128, and see generally J. Fontenrose,
The Delphic Oracle: its responses and operations (Berkeley 1978) 307 Q116.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; geography; history; military affairs; meter and music; proverbs; religion
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 11 July 2003@01:29:40.
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