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Search results for tau,154 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,154
Translated headword: the three things of those [going] to death
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that they used to set three things beside those condemned to death: a sword, a noose, hemlock. [These were called] "the three things for death"; but some [called them] the three things by the courtyard. Those who were being led to death were allowed free speech, so that when they were sated with food and wine, they could say whatever three things they wanted; then they were gagged. That which is now called
archeion ["town hall"] used to be called
aule ["courtyard"], and its servants [were called] courtyard-attendants. Elsewhere: "the three things for death" --
Alexis mentions [them] in
Goatherds.[1] [Note] that he who prophesies at
Delphi used to receive the oracular responses in hints, and it was declared for him, if he should explain [them], one of the three punishments: for he must be deprived of his eyes, or of his hand, or of his tongue.
Greek Original:*ta\ tri/a tw=n ei)s qa/naton: o(/ti toi=s ei)s qa/naton katakriqei=si tri/a pareti/qoun, ci/fos, bro/xon, kw/neion. ta\ tri/a ta\ ei)s to\n qa/naton: oi( de\ ta\ tri/a ta\ para\ th=| au)lh=|. toi=s e)pi\ qa/naton a)gome/nois meth=n parrhsi/as, w(/ste trofh=s kai\ oi)/nou plhrwqei=si tri/a le/gein, a(\ bou/lontai: meq' o(\ e)fimou=nto. to\ de\ nu=n a)rxei=on kalou/menon au)lh\ e)le/geto, kai\ oi( u(phretikoi\ au)likoi/. a)/llws: ta\ tri/a ta\ ei)s to\n qa/naton: me/mnhtai *)/alecis e)n *ai)po/lois. o(/ti o( manteuo/menos e)n *delfoi=s seshmasme/nous e)la/mbane tou\s xrhsmou/s, kai\ proei/rhto au)tw=|, ei) lu/sei, zhmi/a mi/a tw=n triw=n: h)\ ga\r tw=n o)fqalmw=n au)to\n e)/dei sterhqh=nai h)\ th=s xeiro\s h)\ th=s glw/tths.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; ethics; food; geography; law; medicine; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 August 2013@01:04:26.
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