[sc. This proverbial phrase] is asserted in reference to absolutely true things: that the Delphic [sc. god][1] had sexual intercourse with Aristoklea when she became the Pythia,[2] and from her prophecies, to signify that the things she prophesied were altogether divine, and to signify that they were true, as [if] out of the tripod.[3]
Concerning Apollonius of
Tyana: "neither did he spin out his discourses, nor did anyone hear him being ironic, addressing his audience with Peripatetic arguments,[4] but, when he conversed, he would say, as from a tripod, 'I know' and 'It is my opinion'."[5]
*ta/de e)k tou= tri/podos: ti/qetai e)pi\ tw=n pa/nu a)lhqw=n: *)aristoklei/a| ga\r th=| *puqi/a| genome/nh| mixqh=nai to\n *delfo/n, kai\ tw=n u(p' au)th=s manteuma/twn parashmeiou=sqai, o(/sa e)/xra e)/nqeos genome/nh: kai\ tau=ta w(s a)lhqh= parashmeiou=sqai, w(s e)k tou= tri/podos. peri\ *)apollwni/ou tou= *tuane/ws: ou)de\ dih=ge tou\s lo/gous ou)de\ ei)rwneuome/nou tis h)/kouse, peripatou=ntos e)s tou\s a)krowme/nous, a)ll' w(/sper e)k tri/podos, o(/te diale/goito, oi)=da, e)/lege, kai/, dokei= moi.
On the Delphic tripod (the lemma contains the genitive case of
tri/pous; see generally LSJ s.v.), cf. also
tau 1001:
tri/poda in the accusative.
[1] In the Suda's rendering (see n. 3 below) of the passage, Apollo; cf.
pi 3130. [Adler reports that mss VM transmit
ginome/nh, nominative case:
she having engaged.]
[2] Aristoklea/Aristoclea (= Themistoklea/Themistoclea), priestess of Apollo at
Delphi (cf.
delta 210), and legendary source of
Pythagoras' ethical doctrines. Adler cites (
Aristoxenus in)
Diogenes Laertius 8.8 (web address 1).
[3] The first paragraph of the gloss is almost identical in
Lexicon tau6 Theodoridis, though the latter (as Adler observes in her critical apparatus) has
*puqago/ran to\n *delfo\n (
Delphic Pythagoras). The original source, again referring to
Pythagoras, is taken to be
Pausanias the Atticist (tau1); see also
pi 3120 with the cross-references there, and OCD(4) pp.1245-6.
[Adler's critical apparatus on this part of the entry is intricate. The present reading is given by ms A and an alternative reading in ms M. Also, she reports, ms F reads
to interpret her prophesizing as divine. Also: ms A transmits
o(/son (neuter singular,
as much as) and
e)/xrae qs (
g-d prophesied); and, still trying to clarify this part of the passage, ms F reads
e)/xra o( qeo\s, and mss GVM transmit
e)/xraen o( qeo\s. The last parenthetical remark, repeating the lemma, is lacking in ms F.]
[4] The present active participle, masculine genitive singular, is from the contract verb
I walk about, up and down, gesturing here perhaps at methods of argumentation employed at the Peripatos, the site of
Aristotle's school of philosophy, as well as invoking a sense of deliberately vague and evasive debate. [Adler reports that mss AV read
ei)rwneuo/menos, the nominative, although the genitive is required of the person from whom something is heard. Consistently, ms A transmits
peripatou=n, again the nominative; and ms V omits
e)s and inserts
de\ (
and addressing).]
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 1.17; cf.
kappa 912.
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